Beaverlicious! It was definitely interesting indeed. It was a year ago, wondering if any strides have been both the softwares and the hackers!
Hmm....I'm really leaning towards doing a replay scenario. Where the game stores how the game was played, and saved into an array or something, than I can rerun it with the settings that I also used to create the game. I think it would be a good first protection to immediately find out which are genuine results and which have been altered. If the hackers still want to study and hack the replay values....well hats of to them than
I am leaning towards replay scenario and it being stored in a php server.....well that's the plan, but it is still a few months early as I finish the testing and graphics for the game, so in the mean time I am looking at the various methods available and see how much I need to change my game to implement them.