RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Let's go to another attempt. I would just like to know how can I do to randomize values ??without any repetition, until all have been drawn. Could someone only suggest the way?

    Regarding the other question, I would just leave the programming more independent and just only replicate it, instead of editing one by one.

    I really hope someone can give me some help.

    Thank you

  • Hi everybody,

    I have 20 groups and each has to be activated randomly. These groups can only be randomized and executed again after all are performed. How can I do to avoid repetition?

    One more question: I want to disable each group after the actions are performed. I wonder if I can use an expression to disable the current group (Eg this.group) instead of having to write the name of each in the action "set group X Deactivated"

    Thanks for any help.

  • RenatoB Are you enabling asm.js physics in construct2? Ashley's blog says that will be better on Android.


    Thanks for the reply. I had not tested with arm.js enabled. Before was Box2D web, but even enabling had no difference. My game has 32 instances of a cube with physics behavior. At first, when they fall (cubes), the frame rate is 1 fps. Then rises to 4 and end stabilizes at 15 fps.

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  • Thanks,

  • I have a question for those that have run compiled and run an APK.

    Do you have Physics.

    What was your FPS.

    from the two video's shown the FPS were two ends of the spectrum. However I noticed that the slow game was likely using Physics and the fast game wasn't. Now of course this may not be a factor at all. However we know that Physics integration often is a hit or miss especially at the moment as C2 is movig to use an ASM.js version of Box2D.

    jayderyu: You got some information about physic behavior and Crosswalk?

    I tested a game with physics in Crosswalk and the behavior has improved, but is still a bit slow. In Cocoon was much worse.

    I really need to fix it. Does IntelRobert could help us?

  • So who knows. maybe, but I believe Intel is looking into that.

    I hopefully yes

    Thanks for the information.

  • Is it possible to use Crosswalk to export for Iphone? (Has an option to build for iOS). Thanks.

  • I also have interest in this subject. It really would be interesting if there were plugins to facilitate monetization of games, which I believe is the main reason we bought the program and study it for so long.

    Allardje: I have a curiosity about why you have chosen to use phonegap instead of cocoon: your games don`t require WebGL or you optimize them to run at phonegap?

  • in physics property are your square objects set to collision mask : bounding box?


    I checked in debug mode that the game is with a rate of 60 FPS. That's a lot for an application isn't?

  • LittleStain

    I understand. I also thought that 32 instances of a square object couldn't overload so much the app processing. I'll try to do some tests to reduce the FPS and experiment the bullet behavior. I'll appreciate if you have any more suggestions but anyway, thank you for all this clarification.

  • LittleStain

    Could you give me some example code of how to simulate this irregular tumbling, changing angles resulting from collisions and also the issue of elasticity?

  • LittleStain

    What happens to the cubes when they fall, happens because of Physics behavior: the cubes fall in an irregular manner, sometimes spinning, hitting each other, when they are destroyed also move erratically. This causes the movement becomes more natural. One side has the problem behavior using more processing, the other I'll have to understand how to do a fake gravity movements. It is also doubtful whether after simulated, the issue of high CPU processing happening also with the simulation code.

  • LittleStain

    I'll need the cubes falling irregularly (angled or sideways for example) and bullet behavior causes the objects always fall straight (y-axis), isn't it? How can I simulate it? This is important for the game dynamics: prevent the ball touches the ground and the cubes falling straight always, there will be no difficulty in the game.

  • Ok.. remember the game now..

    The effects in it can be achieved without physics..

    But it will take some coding to get the desired effect..


    Thank you for assist me again. This extra code would be very complicated? Could you give me some help about it?

    Now that you remember the game, do you think I can get a similar result using bullet behavior?

  • LittleStain

    I decided to ask you for help because you've seen and helped me with the game that I need to solve this issue. Is possible to easily create a code that simulates gravity to use instead of the physics behavior to revert the bad perfomance of the application builded in the CocoonJS.