New Android Export Experiences

From the Asset Store
Create your game with this complete pack of images and animations!
  • There was an XDK update today. It is in the build service so restart XDK to see the changes:

    * Fix for issues that prevented publishing apk's in google play

    * Launch icons. In the XDK build dialog, click on assets tab to upload the icon. You need to use the cordova API to make the splash screen appear, a future update will make it automatic.

    * fix for camera problem with usermedia

    More fixes later this week for other issues.

  • I've also found another issue.

    Facebook login, the older Intel XDK version of exportation allowed the user to stay logged into Facebook but the new Crosswalk export kicks you off Facebook if you close the app.


    IntelRobert Great news!

  • I noticed, at least in my own tests (page 9), that CJS performs better where there are larger amounts of alpha transparency but otherwise Crosswalk performs better. Has anyone else noticed anything similar?

    IntelRobert If a published app is signed with the same signature as a previous CJS build, will the user's webstorage be retained when updating from a CJS build to a Crosswalk build?

  • Can we use leadbolt ads with this ? using IFrame not using their Android SDK ads ?

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  • I have used the xdk before with no problems, i updated construct to 156 exported and rebuilt my project, when i try to download the link (from the xdk or from the link sent to me by email)

    I am getting an error message:

    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.



    <Message>Access Denied</Message>






    Anybody knows what is the problem?

  • Solved, don't put a "?" in the game title.

  • XDK build system was updated. Minimal apk was reduced from 20Mb to 17Mb. The build system is in the cloud so no update is necessary on your side.

  • What's the max size for the new XDK, last I tried it was 25mb.. pretty damn small for apps targetting newer devices with 720p or even 1080p content.

  • There was an XDK update today. It is in the build service so restart XDK to see the changes:

    * Fix for issues that prevented publishing apk's in google play

    * Launch icons. In the XDK build dialog, click on assets tab to upload the icon. You need to use the cordova API to make the splash screen appear, a future update will make it automatic.

    * fix for camera problem with usermedia

    More fixes later this week for other issues.

    XDK build system was updated. Minimal apk was reduced from 20Mb to 17Mb. The build system is in the cloud so no update is necessary on your side.

    Great news! Thank you for such dedication (for all people involved). This system is very promising.

  • There will be an XDK update later this week that removes the size limit. However, if the final APK is > 50 MB, you won't be able to publish in Google play.

    For the purposes of testing, uploading large games into our build system may be slow. You can do quick tests by using the XDK debug tab or C2 test on wifi with the previewer App( or in the chrome browser.

    What's the max size for the new XDK, last I tried it was 25mb.. pretty damn small for apps targetting newer devices with 720p or even 1080p content.

  • Nathan

    Unfortunately, web storage will be lost when switching between CJS and crosswalk. C2 relies on an HTML5 feature called localStorage, and they are implemented differently.

    I noticed, at least in my own tests (page 9), that CJS performs better where there are larger amounts of alpha transparency but otherwise Crosswalk performs better. Has anyone else noticed anything similar?

    IntelRobert If a published app is signed with the same signature as a previous CJS build, will the user's webstorage be retained when updating from a CJS build to a Crosswalk build?

  • IntelRobert

    The XDK Crosswalk player crashes for me every time I try to load a page :(

    It's an Acer A500, using a non Acer ROM for JellyBean The CPU/GPU is an early Tegra 2 version. So the tablet is a bit dated. Compiled XDK's still work, just not the Player :(

  • Great Stuff, really...

    Here my issues:

    1) all the game is correctly scaled but my background pic not. Is it a known problem or I have to upload an image?

    2) I use a custom font but in the preview and when I try the game on a real device it is not used.

    3) I have a level where a ball try to smash the hero. Under C2, browser and CocoonJs tha ball follow the right physic, under Crosswalk it goes slow and stop before to smash the hero.

  • parside: Can you provide a capx file that shows the problems? Post a dropbox link or email to my address Robert.S.Cohn

    Great Stuff, really...

    Here my issues:

    1) all the game is correctly scaled but my background pic not. Is it a known problem or I have to upload an image?

    2) I use a custom font but in the preview and when I try the game on a real device it is not used.

    3) I have a level where a ball try to smash the hero. Under C2, browser and CocoonJs tha ball follow the right physic, under Crosswalk it goes slow and stop before to smash the hero.

  • Done...

    Let me know something news when you can.

    Thx in advance for your efforts to solve the issues.

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