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  • I tried Crosswalk but right now my game has 54FPS vs 60FPS with Cocoon (heavy physics game)



    Kala xristougena paidia xairomai na vlepw ellines, an mazeftoume poloi na kanoume ena subforum/post :D

  • XDK bugtracker is only accessible to intel people. People usually post issues in our forums ( and then we create an issue. Crosswalk bugtracker is open to everyone:

    Problems you see when running an App are most likely crosswalk and feel free to file something in their JIRA. None of us are big C2 users so you will have to provide some help to reproduce/isolate a problem.

    IntelRobert Do you have an "official" bugtracker somewhere?

  • one of us are big C2 users so you will have to provide some help to reproduce/isolate a problem.

    We are, fortunately, and we will <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • IntelRobert

    Has XDK updated to use the latest stable release. I checked it out and Crosswalk is up to 2.31 which as I understand is the next major release and uses Chrome 31 which from Ashley says is the big perfromance jump from 29. Including should removing most of the small problems that 29 is having.

  • I have a question for those that have run compiled and run an APK.

    Do you have Physics.

    What was your FPS.

    from the two video's shown the FPS were two ends of the spectrum. However I noticed that the slow game was likely using Physics and the fast game wasn't. Now of course this may not be a factor at all. However we know that Physics integration often is a hit or miss especially at the moment as C2 is movig to use an ASM.js version of Box2D.

    jayderyu: You got some information about physic behavior and Crosswalk?

    I tested a game with physics in Crosswalk and the behavior has improved, but is still a bit slow. In Cocoon was much worse.

    I really need to fix it. Does IntelRobert could help us?

  • IntelRobert

    Will there be support for notifications in the future?

    Example of this, an app has completed something, then their displays a notification icon on the users toolbar?

    yes, we're working on that. please see:


    Please remove "[x]" from the above link because I don't have the permission to post links.

  • yongsheng

    That is some great stuff. I am hoping to see it in the near future.

  • jayderyu We are using crosswalk 3.31 (crosswalk 3, chrome 31). They did a special build/test for our first release. In the future, we are going to sync to their schedule. You can try a crosswalk 4.32 with the test app: and c2 preview on wifi feature.

    RenatoB Are you enabling asm.js physics in construct2? Ashley's blog says that will be better on Android. If someone can provide a benchmark we could look at performance. A capx file would be best.

    A benchmark is easy to run and provides easily reproducible behavior. We used Ashley's spaceblaster demo for crosswalk tuning. He automated the behavior and added fps so it was easy to run & measure.

  • RenatoB Are you enabling asm.js physics in construct2? Ashley's blog says that will be better on Android.


    Thanks for the reply. I had not tested with arm.js enabled. Before was Box2D web, but even enabling had no difference. My game has 32 instances of a cube with physics behavior. At first, when they fall (cubes), the frame rate is 1 fps. Then rises to 4 and end stabilizes at 15 fps.

  • I have problems with Crosswalk, but other things are good.

    I use the plugin of flurry. When I exported for cocoonjs and run in my tablet, didn't work the statistics of flurry. Whe I use Cocoonjs for a iOS version, the plugin works perfectly.

    When I used crosswalk for Android the plugin works too! but i can't change the icons and other things of Intel from my game. I need change the signature and I can't :C

    Somebody know the solution?

  • I have problems with Crosswalk, but other things are good.

    I use the plugin of flurry. When I exported for cocoonjs and run in my tablet, didn't work the statistics of flurry. Whe I use Cocoonjs for a iOS version, the plugin works perfectly.

    When I used crosswalk for Android the plugin works too! but i can't change the icons and other things of Intel from my game. I need change the signature and I can't :C

    Somebody know the solution?

    As you might or might not <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> have read earlier in this thread, the icon issue is being worked on.

  • It would be nice to have the User Media object work, and being able to record tiny video clip inside C2 and Play it back.

    But that may be too much to ask for. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • GameThirsty

    Can you provide a capx file with a simple example? Dropbox or email to my address: Robert.S.Cohn

    It would be nice to have the User Media object work, and being able to record tiny video clip inside C2 and Play it back.

    But that may be too much to ask for. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • IntelRobert

    I will do that, let me scrounge up an example and I will get back you.

    Edit: I have sent you a private message

  • I just tried crosswalk with the r156 version of C2.

    With cocoonjs i get 60fps all the time but with crosswalk i get 40fps aprox even with low number of objects. I dont use physics but i use some bullets sometimes, the game has between 10 and 130 objects. Anyway its very early, so i hope that the tool improves soon :)

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