RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I thought to use a local variable (numberFrames) and set the frame that each sprite uses. This solves the problem, but I want to know if there a simpler solution. Thanks.

  • Hi masters,

    I'm using a single sprite with 14 frames. Each instance has a different initial frame. I want to move to a new frame when mouseover happens but I don't know how to identify the initial frame of each sprite and didn't find any expression for it. Could anyone help me?


  • Noncentz705

    Very good solution. I was looking for a randomization system without repetition and never knew how to use Array. This example was perfect. Many thanks for posting this solution.

  • Noncentz705

    Great example. I have a question: how can I restart the array without restart the layout?

  • Thanks for this fantastic and very usefull plugin.

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  • blackhornet: I went back to thank you again. Everything worked like I wanted and needed.

  • There was an XDK update today. It is in the build service so restart XDK to see the changes:

    * Fix for issues that prevented publishing apk's in google play

    * Launch icons. In the XDK build dialog, click on assets tab to upload the icon. You need to use the cordova API to make the splash screen appear, a future update will make it automatic.

    * fix for camera problem with usermedia

    More fixes later this week for other issues.

    XDK build system was updated. Minimal apk was reduced from 20Mb to 17Mb. The build system is in the cloud so no update is necessary on your side.

    Great news! Thank you for such dedication (for all people involved). This system is very promising.

  • Correction: there is a test for groups!

    System: Is group active

    blackhornet: So I can use this event to deactivate the group without name it, right?

  • blackhornet

    Thank you for your patience, for your time, for your kindness. If I can give it back one day, I will.

  • Ok. Thank you,

    So, I just need to use the action "set group PatternGen.Pattern

    activated" (in my case, in the last but one action) , right?

    I intend to turn off the group with an action (last one) inside it. This is regarding with my other question: could I use an expression like "this.group" to deactivated the current group?

  • Thank you for the sample, I understand now how can I associate the generated value to the group. There remained only one question regarding the last action that you included in the project, activating "pattern.gen" group. I need to include the first commands (on start of layout) also within a group to control them?

  • blackhornet

    I thought the plugin combining an address (such as "i5" for example) to the value that was generated by the plugin, according to the order. I intended to link these addresses to the groups to which they were activated in the order they were generated by Pattern Gen. If this is not possible, then I do not know how to do this. Could you give me some suggestion?

  • Hi

    I had seen the CAPX with the plugin sample. The problem is I don't know how to access the addresses to compare the value and activate the respective group.

  • Raganork: I've read in other posts that you always indicates the Pattern Gen plugin and offers to help. Could you help me? I need to know how can I access the values that are generated with Pattern Gen. Thanks anyway.

  • Thanks, The Pattern Gen is a very nice plugin. I believe that this result can be stored in memory, correct? How can I do to have access to these memory addresses? It would, for example, i1, i2, i3, until it reaches the total quantity of numbers that were generated?

    And with respect to the use of an expression to determine the current group is activated/deactivated? Is there any?

    Thanks again.