RayKst's Forum Posts

  • And i'm working on something i can't describe :D Played a game like it ages ages ago and can't remember it's name.

  • Yeah currently that's the best way. Making your own tile editor in Classic or maybe C2 that exports the map as array and then importing. I can't think of a better way right now.

  • If you want retro/nes style sounds/music just use a tracker like Famitracker . Very easy to use. If you want to make a music maker game just save record each note on famitracker as a separate wav and import into C2. There's 96 notes.

  • Agreed. That's the best solution imo

  • Seconded, the Arcade should be for finished games, not demos , tests whatever. Updates are not meant to develop the game in arcade but to fix bugs and add additional features. If people want to show off their games add a separated secion on arcade just for this cases. Even then that maybe wouldn't be a good idea since the arcade could become cluttered with hello worlds and tests.

  • Seconded need getlayerangle and getlayoutangle expressions. And actions Rotate Layer and RotateLayout. And one more: Sprite Set Scale. Been missing this for ages.

  • Damn this marks a really important step on C2 ascension :D Great work !! It opens a lot of new possibilities for us all :D

  • Can't remember :D Been here since the dawn of ages :)

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  • Nearest engine to C2 with social games capabilities that i can think is Stencyl. And damn, they're ahead of C2 in terms of supported platforms. There's Flash, iOS(appears to be native) and soon Android and HTML5 as stated on their site. I don't like the Stencyl workflow so i'll stay with my beloved C2 <img src="smileys/smiley14.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Oh ok was looking at the wrong place ;D Thanks!

  • Is there a GetAt on Array ? If not how do i pick a value at a given index?

  • Yeah that's bad. I've tried it and found that: It's too heavy, takes too much memory, takes some time to load, the documentation is terrible etc. Don't know how the Wolfire guys managed to make their entire engine/editor around it.

  • How i made it in my game:

    Created an Event Sheet just for the popup or if you want to generalize for the game GUI in whole. It would contain the GUI events like mouse over, mouse out mouse click etc.

    Using the Function plugin create functions like CreatePopup, CreateMenu etc, that would be responsible for creating all needed objects, with respective Destroy functions , responsible for cleaning up. Creating and destroying things is very fast no problem on that. More or less like that. Of course you should put a variable telling when to update the Gui components.

  • Downloaded it. Installed Python. Then ran the Chromeless bat. Bat said it needed XULRunner and proceeded to auto download it. But gave an MD5 error. I then went and manually installed XULRunner. Tried again and gave me the same error. It's not detecting XULRunner it seems. I'll keep trying. What may be causing it: The python script asks for an old version of XULRunner since the project is not updated since september. Had potential though.

  • Yeah Chromeless looks promising. The question is the readyness of it currently: Here's the Github Page