Raiper341's Forum Posts

  • Why have I got 21 requests but only 7 views? and 100% fill rate... do I anythink wrong? It is very bad i think...

  • Hi,

    how to off collision in physics behavior? Because i have 2 sides of canons, and when bullets are in colision, they bounce,.. i do not want this, i need to go trought theese bullets.


  • Lot of developers say, that Leadbolt is lot better than Admob. And i think Leadbolt do not offer ads for Blackberry, so why do you wonder, that you got 0fill rate?

  • Is interstitial ads working well? Because i do this: on start of layout i preload ad, then on end of layout i refresh and show ad... and i see ads 2x...

  • Thanks for plugin!

  • I change build settings and i get this:

    An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again.

    Build Log:

    The App ID is "net.raiper34.buildasnowman"

    The App Name is "Build a Snowman"

    Preference android-signed set to false. Application will not be signed.

    Plugin installed: Connection (org.apache.cordova.network-information)

    Plugin installed: SplashScreen (org.apache.cordova.splashscreen)

    Plugin installed: Base (intel.xdk.base)

    Plugin installed: Device (org.apache.cordova.device)

    Plugin installed: Events (battery status) (org.apache.cordova.battery-status)

    Plugin installed: playservices (https://github.com/MobileChromeApps/goo ... d595e4ec69)

    Plugin installed: admob (https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cr ... 581377fa71)

    Plugin installed: In App Browser (org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser)

    Plugin installed: Audio (intel.xdk.audio)

    Any idea what?... I really do not know...

  • Raiper341

    Sent you a plugin.

    All paid phonegap related plugins are converted to free.

    and your payment was refunded.


    You could keep it... It can be thanks for your plugins and support

  • I buy admob plugin, can you send me this plugin???

  • > Everythink works for me, even admob Thank you very much Intel!


    How do you get AdMob to work with C2 & XDK?

    There's no XDK plugin for C2 yet?


    Raiper341 Do share how you got admob working.

    Nothing special, I only use this and theese nstrcutions: because this link of plugin is only interstitial ads

  • Everythink works for me, even admob Thank you very much Intel!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Can I use this plugin in crosswalk https://github.com/gooogleadmob/phonegap-admob-plugin/ ?

  • Hi,

    can anybody tell me, how do I assign any sprite to another? I have lot of object and i set some actions of one sprite depend on another sprite. For example, man and gun and lot of theese objects, and i need to assign gun to man, and affect man defend on his gun, not others...

    Can anybody help me? I really do not know how to continue...

  • I did this example...

    https://software.intel.com/en-us/html5/ ... pplication

    And didnt get it to work anyone had any sucess?

    Did you use any own Construct2 plugin? Or? Because only integrate plugin into Crosswalk is not enough... You need some Javascript side work...

    Sounds great! If anyone has any plugin requests, feel free to PM me. Sounds like making some stuff would be a fun side project.

    What about Ukk.io?

  • Hi,

    I am making of isometric shooter game, but i hvae problems. I have 2 objects,enemy and his weapon, but i need this, when weapons angle is between some grads, enemy change animation, but when there is more enemies with weapons, it does not work well, i tried all possible, i really do not know how to...

    Please help me.