QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • when i use the angle (a,a,b,b) and distance function, they work, but they dont return accurate results, is this normal?

    because once it gets past 179.9_ it goes into negatives? which isnt right is it?

    also when i use distance it return an innacurate number also, even if the objects are perfectly alligned its givng me 160 as its number?

  • well, i get it, just u know i dont know the across under ect ect, all i really wanted to know is the formula "arctan((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))" as even tho i dont get what it does completely i can still use it for other things where i might need it, wikipedia makes all math look like freaken nuclear science

    and god, i really hate different quadrants, while i was programming a swinging pendulum for mmf2 using pythos to draw a cricle path based on radius i had to calculate for weird changes which happen when quadrants are changed its hard to explain tho

  • I'll just put it here

    i mean in actual construct bearings, not protracter style measurements, and isnt what he wants different entirely, i think he meant 3 point to describe he dint want bearings. altho i dont knwo why cheez needed those anyways,

  • lol thats easy , didnt know bout that

    id still like to know the actual code behind that though, just for learning purposes

  • directsound works on my computer (its vista)? maybe its just ur sound card, i have realtek HD, i dont know thogh, im not much of a sound card person. im just saying it works on my vista

  • oh god, quadruple post, why does the edit time out WHY??

    guess i got it to work with multiple instances by adding a selector variable, to the rotating object. which is set when an object is attached. i can see this stick function as being easy enough to implement. but i think it would be easier for it to create one imagepoint whith, which you can delete, because it would be less taxing on the processor, im sure running lots of these functions would eat your framerate, especially on slower machines,or where you have lots of intense calcs going on

    also you could always use this if u wanted to do it this way, but you could never create an image point using events

  • i didnt learn sin cos tan yet in school so i need the help of some of you who did. id like to find the angle between 2 objects, the results being the angle relative to one object going to the other, so lets say an explosion goes off at point a, and whatever is being affected is at point b, id like to know at what angle would point A be facing to be looking right at point b. so i can calculate which way to throw point.b

    basically i want the function for that (example: A^2+B^2=C^2 for the distance formula)

    i know thats what sin,cos, and wtv is for but i havnt got there yet im only 13. so plz help

  • hmm, seems that it cant recognise different instances of the same rotating circle though,

    id like to knwo how the pick functions work?

  • ah, it works perfectly


    press new to "unstick" and then repeat

    oh yah you click too position, but it only works if its not already stuck

  • oh yah, whats the distance/anglething do, never seen it before

    and are there more of them?

  • freak i always need damn sin,cos,tan wtv and i KNOW that its what i need to find angle relations but damn it, I HAVNT LEARNED IT YET(im mad at myself here lol) D: i cant wait till i do tho (1 year!), and thanks for showing me that, i knew i needed to use those, and if no one helped id never been able to figure it out . anyways ill try it out and tell u my findings, glad to see you think its a good idea, its one of those things that U ALWAYS need and have to work around, but what i like about construct is i never have to work around anything to achive my goal. eventually i will make an uber awesome game too show those ppl at the Daily click just how awesome construct is (it's pretty damn awesome xD) i hate the way they blatantly insult a program which IMO is the best game creator out there and for free, i dint believe it at first, man you dont know how happy youve made us ppl who just dont have the money to buy 120-250$ programs which they dont need but the hoobysist inside is like "GET IS YOU FOOL". construct really needs to be demonstrated tho, i think you guys need to show it at some indie game convention, they think game maker is GOOD which is soo overated, it really deserves more attention, its awesome in its pre release stage, cmon AWESOMEE.

    so yah another one of my drift offs into nowhere.

    glad to see this feature is getting your attention, its perfect for the grappling hook i'm making it using sin! which ,means my bro helped me figure it out a bit., (i should really post it, although all it does is swing and release atm, can figure out how it should shoot out again once its refired) but this like most of my suggestions it's more about the general public who can use it , after all i dont want you making my game for me,i know ppl will use it if its there.

  • First off Welcome to the forums!

    im just wondering if u live in china? or you just speak chinese.

    maybe try writing in chinese then translating using a internet translator? i dont know if it will give you clearer results but im sure you have a better sense of what your saying in chinese than what your saying in english, due to a limited vocabulary.it really matters.

    its like asking some one to write words using 10249102947 using the numbers 2, 1, and 3, people would have too add words they know toghether to show what they mean, but if u had all the numbers and passed it through a tranlator which made 9 into 8s and 5 into 6s it would be more clear than saying 1+3 then 2+3. this might be hard to understand since you dont speak english! oh no ive went off into a useless babble .

    i just suggest you try will tell u if the translator sucks really bad.

  • Can we expect vector-based collision masks at some point? Or a polygon object? There would be a ready polygon editor with the physics behavior .

    exists already, its a custom collision mask

    [quote:8bjkiais]To be honest I gave up on this angle fairly quickly after I realised there was no way it was going to be simple and there is obviously a better way. Didn't think to do it for per axis like that though, so thanks for that

    I'd quite like an idea of how to find this elusive angle because I find it interesting, and I've not been able to come up with anything at all.

    i did mention what ashley was saying, although i dint really word it correctly, the part when i said push the object back the way its came,what ashley said is what i meant i problly should of said it clearer though.

    and ashley

    [quote:8bjkiais]The way normals can be calculated is by moving objects in a circle. If a ball, say, has collided with the edge of an arbitrarily shaped sprite, you can move the ball out by a radius (16 pixels works OK) and then collision test in a circle (say, at 4 degree intervals). By working out the average angle of the overlapping angles, you can calculate the approximate angle towards the surface, and inverting this gives you the normal.

    ive tried something similar to this in a gear collision engine which i made (i checkerd for overlap every tick, and then once it caught one it would sping the gear using a loop and would stop spinning after it was not colliding or finished a 1 tooth increment movement), using fast loops and one problem arised, it has to be very precise to work properly, meaning it needs to check every pixel step, and it lags the system having to do all of these checks, also if something gets too far lodged into another object it would run a continuous loop

  • thats what i meant, dont change the number when you create new layers, just call it layer 1 and keep it that way

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  • i just hate that raggy edge you get with the flame effect,