QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • there is no construct.ini???? also i just figured out its because it deosnt load application data at startup, when ever it deosnt work.

  • maybe add some control to what colour you can light an object and a gradient like in the original mmf extension great work also! it seems pretty damn complex to make this.

    also ive been searching around the web and maybe this can be of assistance http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/ ... _fire.html

    it works similar to how yours works and might be of use

  • ive had this bug ever since ive started using Construct, basically i open it (im using vista) and then i see everyting but i cant clikc on any of the buttons, nothing responds (but it doesnt say not responding) and i have to task manager out of it and try again up to 10 times before i can get it to open right. its very weird

  • kk, i tried it in photoshop, u just need to make a layer mask and save for web,

    i dint know construct could import alphas thats all.

  • well maybe i just havnt found it yet, but how come theres no way of editing the alpha channel as just a black and white image, separate from the actual colour info.

    what i mean is

    -you have a cloud texture which fades to black on the edges,

    -first you draw white everywhere on the colour info

    -then you click "edit alpha channel"

    -all the transparent parts go black, and all the non trans go white, ect you know what i mean

    -then you load in your cloud texture as the alpha channel

    -you unclick "edit alpha channel"

    -and your left with a clean cloud which looks like a cloud.

    I Think this is an essential feature for using alpha channels, its not feasible to make one by just drawing in varying opacitys when you have one for something as complicated as a cloud

  • oh. maybe u should explain subevents in the wiki i dont believe its an article yet. they seem usefull if i just knew what they DID lol.

    and read the part about the canvas, that actually a valid suggestion, it seems to basic for an object which should be really powerfull

    and wow i just realised something got screwed up when i edited my first post to talk about the overlay/canvas object. I quoted the wrong thing

  • well kinda, but its not really for what i gave as an example. its hard to explain really. actually when i thin about it, what it really would need is a proprietary loop, calculated for each object, sorta of like an alterable value, its not affected by other objects proprietary loop. instead of having all boxes on the same loop and having complex events to make it only affect some objects, you could just say,

    -box is not overlapping group ground

    =start box's loop [specify name] [specify number] times

    -on box's loop [specify name]

    =set box y to box y+1

    sometimes you need each object to run their own loop or else you get a horribly complicated mix of lets say 500 objects each running on the same loop for themselves and stopping it for themselves when they hit the ground [the way it currently works ]. if you were to lets say control the amount they move down using how many times the loop would run. you would be unable to have multiple instances of an object.

    depending on what youre doing you might need this.

    i was writing my own physics engine in mmf2, and this very factor limited me from making more than one object using fastloops.

  • (and yes you can add "box is not overlapping group ground" to -on loop "fall" add 1 to Y but thats beside the point, formulating a proper example would make this too complicated to explain, but it would be a usefull feature)

    oops sorry, dint see canvas, but maybe implement the feature to draw ellipses, and polygons. ellipse by inputing x and y center and then setting vert radius and horiz radius, fill colour ect. and also the abililty to plot points for polygons and then have plot polygon using points, and then specify fill and line colour also line thickness, the canvas object seems really basic right now. it should get alot more features also give the ability to draw a rectangle from its center point and set its height and width line colour, and line thickness. simple drawing operations, but ellipse is the most important, especially if your making worms type terrain

  • In the next build there's something which id like to see but have never seen it in any game creation software,(If construct has it plz notify me im still learing) its similar to the fastloop, but its a little different. it would be called something like "-before updating display" and it would simply do what it says, i know fast loops do something similar, but they have to have specified amounts of times to run and in some cases they can be kinda of annoying when dealing with 2 instances of an object, like if you have 2 boxes and you make the events

    -box is not overlapping group ground

    =start loop "fall"

    -on loop "fall"

    =add 1 to Y

    the problem here would be even though 1 object is on the ground, the other one in the air would continue triggering the loop, thus getting a strange glitchy result

    but if we did it this way

    -before updating display

    +box is not overlapping group ground

    =add 1 to Y

    we would get the RIGHT result with more than one instance of the object and we would have a much cleaner event sheet also.

    i remember countless times where ive wanted something like this but i just couldn't find it.

    this isnt the best example because you wouldnt really need a loop for this but it does show why it would be usefull in situation where you need to use fastloops, but also need multiple instances of an object to be "doing there own thing" without affecting the others because they are all using the same loop, so if one objects in the air, they ALL go down from its loop triggering.

    (and yes you can add "box is not overlapping group ground" to -on loop "fall" add 1 to Y but thats beside the point, formulating a proper example would make this too complicated to explain, but it would be a usefull feature)

  • id also like to see loop back to frame,

    it should be in the animation properties bar, where you can see speed, loop (yes/no),loop # of times ect. except add loop back to certain frame, with a number selector, like in mmf. its usefull if you want lets say a jump animation to start with a jump, but then infinitely continue with a cape flowing ect ect

  • why do her breasts breathe

    its pretty good, i just never understood how you could dash in the air

  • this is a feature which is very important for event based programming its basically added to an event to make it perform its action only once e.g. you make an event which says, shoot object A out of object B when Object B's animation is on frame 2, sounds fine, but theres a problem, object b will shoot as many objects as it can during that frame, so if its anim speed is lets say, 25, object b will shoot 3 shots b4 the frame changes, if you were to make the event {shoot object A out of object B when Object B's animation is on frame 2 and add to that only one action when event loops} then your object b would shoot only 1 bullet when its on frame 2 regardless of how long it stays on that frame, which is the desired action.

    plz implement in next build

    and if its already there some1 plz tell me where it is

  • lol alright, sounds sweet

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  • thanks dave! i remember asking for this, and if you ever tried a fullscreen flame in mmf2 the game would run horribly slow. some questions though? will u be able to change the gradient to anything you please (via the picture editor) like in mmf2? if not try to add this as you might want to make fire at 0%-25% and then a solid smoke portion at 25%-100% ect ect, it makes the possibilities endless, much better than a simple select one colour then change to other colour type thing. also will there be the ability to do the above to an alpha channel gradient (again like in mmf2).

    also will you be able to give the cool map and gradient animations, which could make for some very cool possibilities.

    and how do you control this flame object? is it similar to mmf2 where you drag out the renderable area and then select wich objects to set alight or is there no bounding box?

    and are you able to make the coolmap slowly change in strenght via a smooth edge or will it be like in mmf2 where you simply draw solid or transparent to define what is cooled or not?

    i can tell this will be very usefull when its complete seeing as it causes very little slowdown compared to its mmf2 variant.

  • im basically asking for the ability to change the blur intensity on the effects "vertical blur" and "horizontal blur" it seems like something you should be able to define, like if you need something to be only a little bit blurred.

    oh yah and for some reason when i try to look at an effect's tab i.e.(horizontal blur) within the event editor construct sometimes (most of the time, like 90% of the time) crashes and i have to restart it.