QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • i still doubt you need normals like your thinking of, using 1 sided walls any polygon is possible. why dont u just make walls have a set "normal", make them 1 sided, then lets say you were moving 10y, and 10x, and player is moving into a 90degree normal as in flat with the normal facing upwards, make players Y speed counteracted based on the "normal" and he'll continue moving 10x, but 0y. youd need to define a formula based on the walls "normal", but that shouldnt be to hard to find/figue out. just test this out. then tune it. id simply work off of 4 right angled normals to find the right formula. figure out how each x/y speed is affected by them, also, why dont you just use the 8 directions movement, why have a custom movement for a top down game? its not sin to use it for something like this. im tired and dont really want to think more lol, just try to rethink things

  • Try Construct 3

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  • ah well whatever you prefer,i kinda like the rough feel of joy 2 key, and i like that it has an ini file, that way you could make changes to the file while in game, and it has lots of options available

    this is for anyone and everyone so if theres other software feel free to post it here

  • yea it was that, its pretty complicated to understand. btw im in sec 3 and i havnt learned sin cos tan so i dont understand **** about that, i know what its for roughly but i can't understand it applied to anything yet, so i generally work around it.

    i think your making this too complicated, you dont need the walls normal at all. i mean cmon its way simpler than your making, dont overthink things. why dont u just pull the object out the direction its moving into the wall, that would give exactly the same effect. just use some fastloops for your speed control and your done. why do you need normals at all? you'll naturally slip down the wall unless your walking straight into, it based on its shape.

    i know what happened to you, it happens to me all the time lol, overthinking things makes you over look the simple solutions, and simple is almost ALWAYS better.

    and dont limit yourself to boxes,unless your absolutley sure you want them, i hate games made using direct x that only use simple terrain elements or use pixelated graphics yet run at 80 fps, its a total contradiction of what your trying to achieve.

  • im not trying to sound mean in any way, im just being critical

    as i think i heard you said, you make 3d games, if u can do that u can easily learn construct

    forget everything game maker taught you, its wrong. construct is very different from what ive heard about game maker. you dont load pre made engines into construct and its not difficult to make your own, anythings possible.

    what i suggest is learn construct before you go about making anything, you dont seem to understand much about it atm. you can basically do ANYTHING you can think of to get your character moving, starting from scratch. learn how collisions and positions, values, effects, angles and the event editor work, its very critical. tranfering from mmf2 to Cstrct is easy, game makers a diff story. play around with things and learn it, dont set yourself any ambitious goals until youve thourougly though t everything out. thats my advice, read around the forum, download some .cap files, open them up and examine how they work, thats the key to your growth and sucsess

  • this isnt a "help" as in i need help topic

    its meant to help people

    construct has no joystick support and for those who want some i have this nifty program for you

    its very useful and ive found myself using it for mmf2 games because its SO much easier to set up than the joystick object. its just all round better and best of all it supports dual analog and triggers very easily

    i use it with my xbox 360 controller and its perfect so im just spreading the word for those who dont know about it

    http://www.electracode.com/4/joy2key/Jo ... ersion.htm

  • well, u could also just give each of your level tiles a set normal, and use that, but youd need to make your terrain out of objects like those found in super mario world, i mean, have modular tiles for each top side bottom side fill and corners if plan to have them, its actaully faster to use those fake wall graphics, remember its all one object and u just scale rotate within the layout editor. i dont think youll find any better way of finding the normal of raster graphics, normals are notoriously tricky to find in bitmaps. youll need to find an approximation or else you need to use vectors. also what type of game would be needing this for and why, as that is pretty important, ive only seen this needed for a super mario galxy esc game and it was pretty buggy mostly due to it being made in 32 directions, constructs infinite directions should help make it clean and pro quality

    also note that for the first method i stated in my post b4, you would use fastloops to rotate the object and stop the loops once it hits something. this means you'll get the normal very quickly, and you wont need to set change any of the terrain, once again what this is being used for is greatly important

    keep me posted as i could probably help somewhat if ur unsure of somethings that im saying, i realise im not being too clear, but i dont think its necessary as u seem to get what i mean

  • well, in the good ol days of TGF i used to use detectors at the bottom corners of a sprite then if lets say the bottom left corner is touching and everything else isnt rotate the sprite right till the other bottom detector would touch something. then knowing the value of its rotation i.e (94 degrees) u can find the surface nromal at that location of the surface. you must also not that in order to find normals you need vector graphics, raster graphics have no information on there faces vertexes and edges are non existant, they are just pixel or no pixel (bitmap) information so there is no "real" surface normal, thats why i use this technique, at least for raster graphics,

    another way to go about it is to make certain objects (flat rectangle detectors) and set a value to the angle of that object, then you place those all over the surface of the terrain (whatever it is, and manually rotate them for each surface, making sure you leave a bit portruding so it can "catch" objects, it takes more time, but it works alot better. u then set the sprites angle or wtv u need to the current detector its colliding with

    hope this helped

  • construct crashes when i try to edit effect properties

    yep thats it

    im on vista if that helps

    bassically i give an object lets say mask, then go into event /new event/ object/mask and then i get that annoying white filer over the program and it says construct not working, wait/close

    oh ya how do i use the mask effect i dont get it atm

  • wow seems to work now

  • i dont know if im right but, i do think fade is the exact same speed as doing it via events.

    what you realy need to do is destroy the object if it reaches opacity 0

    or else the invisible instances will eat up your proccesor

  • ok this is a little hard to explain, lets say you had to make an object "stick" to a spinning/moving object, depending on where it hits it. what would you do? you could set up a massive mess of code to do this. what i mean is object a hits a spinning object, normally to make something stick you would make it always set position to an image point, but if you need to make an object stick at a relative point to a spinning object based on where it hits you would sorta of need a create image point on spriteX at coordinate. this is basically what im asking for. its useful for many things when u need something to stick like this, which i believe many other people have thought of doing but gave up on it because there was no way of doing it. it could be used for lots of things, which need to be actively changed within the game, such as if you wanted the player to be able to attach a weapon anywhere on a ship, and make it stay there, or if u wanted a grappling hook to stick to any object spinning, rescaling, or moving.

    if it were to be implemented essential features would be

    [create image point at]


    x= ;these should be relative to the layout not the object, because you want it to lets say be at sprite.x

    y= ;these should be relative to the layout not the object, because you want it to lets say be at sprite.y

    [delete image point]; this is for when lets say you detach a grappling hook, you wouldnt want the image point to stay where it initially was created, you'd want to destroy it so you can attach to a new location


  • That's right, you can refer to layers by name as well. Anywhere you put a layer number, you can also put a layer name. And so long as you keep the same name, the layer ordering doesn't matter.

    altho i did not know this, i'm just wondering wouldn't it be better if the layers number didnt change so if lets say you were to lazy to name everything and then suddenly you need a new layer ,you wont have to go through the problems outlined by this post? its not real important but i can see ppl getting real pissed off when they forgot to name one layer and that screws up there game code completle

  • you could just edit opacity, fade doesnt have much purpose in construct, 1-2 lines or code can get the same efffect done

  • Thats the path for XP... are you on Vista?

    yea i said that i think.

  • oh i dint think of using more than 1 flame object, that was all but impossible (i mean reallly laggy) in the first flame object, so i dint think of that, i gues you can just make a gradient that way