QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • well thats not very obvious

  • i think ive asked for this b4, but i think it would be usefull if we could mirror and flip a sprite through actions, instead of checking a checkbox which gives us no control over when to flip. something similar to how bones mirror would be nice, i find myself having to make different animations for flips and mirror atm which isnt the way it should be done. plz implement this in the next update, i dont know, but it seems like a simple thing that should already be there.

  • after seeing the bone movement, the first that came to my mind was implementing a system similar to how bones are set up, for the physics behaviour. if you could implement a similar editor for physics that would be amazing, letting us easily set up vehicles and belts, ropes, ect.

    you choose a root object (like you do with bones) and then when you press edit you could add other physics objects to the hiearchy in a similar way to how bones work. you could then hinge or fixtate or spring those objects to each other in the editor, in a fashion similar to Phun (while paused).

    i find it very tedious and blocky/unprofessional/glitchy to have to hinge a vehicle toghether at the beginning of a layout like we do now, this system would make physics vehicles a breeze. and if youre able to make boned objects into ragdolls (which would be totally awesome!! ), this shouldnt be that different.

  • i didnt try the game yet, but im just telling you that next time you should host your screenshots off of a filehosting site that gives direct links, that way your images wont be in a small window and wont get compressed, try using "will host for food"

  • add the chat to the online bar in construct

  • post this picture before my game

    <img src="http://willhostforfood.com/users/QuaziGnrlnose/blobberbackground.png">

    if u want i can send u the latest cap of my game also, you can turnaround this time

    its clipped heres a direct link http://willhostforfood.com/users/QuaziG ... ground.png

  • btw to fix your "bugs" (which are not really bugs btw) you have to move your hotspot to the center of your sprite. just go in the picture editor and select the red target thingy from the sidebar, then move it to the middle of your sprite, by clicking.

  • there also things that are both deadeye

  • [quote:gubxdoum]I just downloaded every available files in Uploads and in Creations.. Making a vid, I will somehow put clips of all those stuff. Is this alright?

    ITS GREAT!!!!

    just be sure to mention the usernames of each person who made each cap/exe during the video

  • Is it just me or are the create object actions broken? i posted an example of this in the help/tech supoort section. Ash i think this is your showstopper lol.

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  • is it just me or are the create object commands completely broken? i cant seem to spawn or create any type of object in new caps which i create.

    http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=d884 ... b9a8902bda

    *EDIT*: debugger shows the instances are being created, but for some reason nothing i do will make them show up

    *EDIT 2(lol)*: setting the objects to create on a layer other than 1 makes them show up. Maybe im missing something, but something with layers is causing the problem

    To resolve this issue, just add 1 to the layer number you want to create on

  • [quote:5botay2o]First person to make a Sonic-style loop gets a prize! *Shot*

    i think i can do that...

  • give the event sheet a chance, its not really blocky, and although it reminds you of game maker's ****** event editor, you'll find its much more develloped. you can do alot more than you think once you get the hang of it, heck i can't think of one complex thing that ive though about that i couldnt do using the event editor. before saying construct isnt the tool for you, give it a good try.

    game maker is absolutley horrible from when i tryed it, i actually prefer klik and play to it. ive never really scripted, but from what ive read and seen, its alot more mork to set up all those brackets and variables, than it is to simply create a new event, and create an action. dont think of the event editor as a limiting feature it really isnt, it'll save you alot of time, you just have to learn to use it properly.

    oh yah, the sprite editing and importing sucks in GM, its sooo slow.

  • when you press undo while in the bone editor thingy, the properties bar becomes blank and you cant do anything. the only way out is to close the application, but you can still save.

    btw very good update guys!

    the boneable object is awesome.

    (deadeye: edit for table breaking.)

  • oh and heres something so that everyone doesnt make crappy walk animations.
