purplemonkey's Forum Posts

  • * The expression in "Q3D Master: set background color" flips the R and the B values. So if you assign the RGB value to be rgb(255,0,0), the result will be pure blue.

    Heh, I noticed this too.. I must admit it took a few bewildered head scratches before I realized it!

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  • QuaziGNRLnose Are .Rx , .Ry, .Rz expressions working correctly? I remember you saying something about them returning radian instead of degrees a while ago, is this still happening? Because I seem to be having trouble with them at the moment..

    Tried rendering the 3d behind C2 canvas, still no luck with a 2d HUD. Any ideas ? Would it take a "3d sprite" being placed on the camera every tick ?

    Try setting "render mode" to "inside", add a layer for UI, make it transparent and that should work fine.

  • wan der-q3d.do.am/games/q3d41/index.html

    Oh shoot, how'd you make that skybox?!

  • purplemonkey , I have managed to get two viewports working, but the biggest issue I had was that the second camera that you make for it has to have its settings set specifically, since the default camera's settings aren't set the same for new cameras you make.

    Quazi, It would be good if new cameras had the same default settings as the default camera..

    I have fixed various things on my own, like flipping/mirroring sprites, adding alphatest, and making shaders work.. so if those get fixed in the official plugin, I won't have to reapply my fixes if there's an update.

    There's also the bug where if the q3d master is a global object, model's offset parameter get added whenever layout changes, so their offsets become messed up.

    Thanks for the input. After a lot of ifs and buts I finally managed to get it to work! Phew, I'm going to have a drink!

  • Although parenting to the camera seems like it should be a good solution for a UI, it allows objects to "penetrate" the UI which will look weird. Optimally you can use 2 Q3D Viewports, and create an extra scene with a fixed camera and your UI objects with a 0 alpha background, and layer that above a view-port for the main games scene. If you really need to parent objects to the camera just make an dummy object which sets angle/positon to the cameras x/y/z position and rotation, but again for a UI this isn't the best option.

    If you use a Q3D Viewport, You can make the view-port small to make it render a smaller area if the UI is only something like a bar at the top, it doesn't have to encompass the entire area. For 2D ui's it's best to just use the construct 2 canvas as a "layer" itself with behind mode set on Q3D Master.

    Using extra scenes is a bit weird but the main things you have to know is:

    1. By default, everything is created in the scene named "Default", and this scene is picked.

    2. To use another scene, you need to first create a scene with a unique name like "MyScene", similar to how multiple cameras work.

    3. To add objects / change properties / do anything really with a specific scene, you need to pick it with the "Pick scene" action in Q3D Master, similar to how multiple cameras work.

    4. Once the scene is picked, any actions that have anything to do with a scene will affect the "picked" scene. e.g. change background, parent an object to a scene, create an object, change fog, etc. the only exception are cameras which exist independently of any scene (they're global to all scenes, so they don't exist in any one scene).

    5. To move objects between scenes you need to use the action that parents them to the scene in the hierarchy section. so you need to pick the scene you want to move them to first.

    6. To affect the default scene again, just re-pick it with the "pick scene" action, the name it uses is "Default".

    7. To rendering multiple scenes is as easy as writing the scene name / camera name in the viewport properties and layering them as you please. Semi-transparency won't render properly between viewports though due to renderer design.

    I cannot for the life of me get this to work. Has anyone here stacked 2 viewports on top of each other like in the above quote? If so, I sure would love it if you'd share a capx to keel my frustration..

    I'm going to be working on the plugin soon so if anyone has bugs to report that'd be great!

    Really cool news!

  • Sadly, the exporter doesn't support exporting multiple animations yet. (And I have a feeling that it never will. For some reason nobody is willing to work in the code anymore. I would if I was a coder.)

    You have to export a separate json file for each of the animations your character has, and then combine them manually in a text editor like notepad++. It's pretty self-explanatory if you just take a look at the model files from some of the Q3D example files, like the Quake-style mercenary guy.

    That's what I thought. I tried doing just that and thought I was doing everything right until I hit a javascript error when trying to run it. I guess I'll keep trying, thanks for the help!

  • Anyone know how to export multiple animation (to one .json file) through blender? I did get a single animation to work however I cannot for the life of me get multiple animations to export correctly..

  • I can confirm this.

  • ^^lol I'm reverting back to r216 and v12 nw.js - it appears that full screen is not supported for me either, and I'm also seeing graphics artifacts / poor rendering of fast moving objects. Alpha indeed!

    I can confirm that full screen is not working. I am also experiencing poor rendering and just jank in general. Ah well, guess I have to revert back as well..

  • It shouldn't be too hard to get the desired effect using Q3D.

  • Ethan I know, man.. I just couldn't find any other way of contacting them :/

  • > purplemonkey, I haven't had any issues with this. If you could provide a CAPX, I'll take a look and see what's up.


    As I cannot post a CAPX of my actual project I have tried to reproduce the issue as best as possible.

    The root of the issue seems to be tied with "zoom to contain" and margins.

    Thank you for looking into this, it is much appreciated!


    linkman2004 Hi ya! Have you you had the time to take a look at this issue by any chance?

  • Ethan I'm in the same boat as you. I found this plugin to have great potential and pretty much assumed that it was going to be supported for a while so I bought it in good faith. It's not the end of the world but I'm pretty bummed that it's not getting the support that I had hoped for.

    That being said, we could try tweeting Quazi or his brother for some information regarding future support and what not.

  • purplemonkey I think you didn´t understand. Your suggestion wasn´t bad at all, but at the beginning of my original post I said that I´ve accomplished this effect many times, but it was unreliable and tedious , having to tweak every affected object individually. It took a really, really long time, it was unstable, it wasn´t automated, it was buggy and it required waaaaay more code than a simple system that can´t be too hard to make and could be applied to any project, ever.

    This system can now actually be made because of families, and other new things that were added. I´ve tried doing it myself, but like I said in my original post, I´ve ran into many problems with families.

    In the first post I´ve listed the things that were accomplished by the previous "systems", so if anyone knows how to implement them or at least give me any clue of where to build a base from I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thanks purplemonkey, though

    All right, yeah I guess I've been a bit tired lately so my reading comprehension seems to be falling behind. That being said, now I'm interested as well and await an expert to come and save the day and enlighten us both!

  • purplemonkey Not at all, pin would fix the shadow's position. If you look at the gifs I provided you would notice why it is nothing like that. And as I said, I am not talking about shaders or behaviours, just a little system to manage a sprite's altitude. I think I once saw a similar concept made by R0J0hound , but I couldn't find it anywhere in the forum

    I see. Well dang, I think I actually have a CAPX of something similar that I found on this forum a while ago. I'm going to see if I can find it!

    Edit: Looking at the GIF you provided, you could fake it though. Just use animations and all will be well. When the rabbit jumps (using an animation) match that with an animation for the shadow and it'll all look pretty much like that GIF. I've updated the old CAPX for reference.