punkineo's Forum Posts

  • I would use a boolean and set it to true. When you shoot with the left mouse button, set that bool variable to false. That way, no matter how often someone clicks that left button it won't shoot. Then, after the Wait period you've set is up, set the bool variable back to true. Now they're able to shoot again.

  • I'd like to create a grid-based game so that the structure looks like this:


    So say you have columns labeled as A-D and rows labeled as 1-4. And the user selects something in A3 which gets destroyed. I want to be able to replace the object in A3 now with some other object. Would I do this using an array? Is this considered a 2D array or something else?

    Thanks for any help you can provide on this.

  • I cannot get over how extremely cool this game looks. The concept, the execution, the polish and the little quirkiness of it all. Very inspiring.

  • What an extremely interesting concept! Congratulations on sticking with it throughout the development process--it's not easy to do that for so long. It looks pretty cool. Good luck with it.

  • I debated whether to update the original post, but decided to leave it as is. I uploaded a different version of the game to Google Play:

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... eo.diction

    The look is a bit different from how I had it before. There are 70 levels now, broken up into 7 different packs (10 levels each). There's a level selector screen that (hopefully) keeps track of scores in the individual packs. I got the MoveTo plugin working just fine.

    This is my first game ever created and ever uploaded, so I imagine it's not the greatest thing since sliced bread. But it really is completely free, with no IAPs or Ads of any kind. I did that mainly because I couldn't quite figure out how to do ads or price it, but also because I just want it out there for now and I'll worry about pricing for other games/apps I create down the road.

    I haven't actually installed this on my own phone/tablet yet, so hopefully it works as intended! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Man alive, do I ever agree. Maybe that's coming in some update down the road or probably not. I'm just now going through my first experience with compiling via cocoonjs (honestly, pretty painless so far) and then doing the whole APK thing with android. That last part would have been torture but thankfully there is this cool tutorial out there (which has worked great up to this point):

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/861/ho ... id-app-apk

    I still haven't published to the App Store yet but it's because I need to get some graphics in order first, then we'll see. In the meantime, following the tutorials for export have been pretty helpful.

  • This looks very cool! Please keep working on it. I love the simplicity of it and that excellent water effect helps with the immersion.

  • I haven't experimented with the Pathfinding yet, but I'm wondering if you would be better served with the MoveTo plugin:

    It looks like you'd want your sprites to move in a precise direction each time, rather than move by way of pathfinding? Of course, I could be wrong and maybe it's already possible to do just that with the Pathfinding behavior.

  • I actually wasn't trying to make a statement with this game, but I appreciate your comments about that movement, Very good point, czar! I did fail to take into account different pronunciations based on regions throughout the world.

  • http://www.kongregate.com/games/punkineo/diction-v2

    After some frustration, I've finally published my first game. It's a bit ... rough, I'll admit it. But I'm glad I was able to get it up there at last. This tutorial was exactly what I needed for uploading to Kongregate:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/639/ho ... kongregate


    • 50 levels
    • Complete the puzzles based on word-sounds
    • Click or Tap on the words to move them to the right position

    At first I used the MoveTo plugin, but then I experienced some difficulty uploading, so I eventually replaced the movements with standard Set X / Set Y actions. If I get any kind of constructive feedback and interest on this, I'll upload a revised version with the MoveTo plugin since I've got the Kongregate upload figured out.

    This took me about a month to create, mainly because I revised the interface a few different times, figured out Formulas, and waited too long to figure out creating objects from a dummy Image layout. I tried uploading to the Scirra Arcade but it said I included unsupported plugins--and that was after I completely removed every reference to the MoveTo plugin in a different version of the game. Alas, what can you do.

    The game could do more, of course. But hopefully it's useful for just a short burst of interest from you before you move on to other things. Let me know what you think as any suggestion you have I can use to make better games or something more interesting / fun for you to play.

  • I tried the link above from NateB but didn't have much luck. I did find this other tutorial which helped me get it on Kongregate with minimal fuss:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/639/ho ... kongregate

  • I've got a bit of egg on the face. I did a search on the tutorials for "publish to kongregate" but I should have gone simpler! I appreciate you pointing out the obvious, seriously.

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  • I've finished my game but now I'm not sure what to do after exporting the completed game. I tried both the HTML5 and Kongregate options and it looks like the output files/folder are exactly the same (see attachment).

    But when I go to Kongregate, it asks for one file and expects it to be in html format, so is that "index.html"? What else should I upload? Kongregate only seems to let me upload one other file but there are files & folders in the export directory.

    If this is explained elsewhere or someone has an easy to follow method, that would be great!

  • What a truly strange concept! I was expecting something like a brick-breaker game instead of a talking brick, but this is interesting.

  • After you swipe, does the ball bounce off any walls it comes into contact with? Or does it stop dead after a certain bit? I love the simplicity of the color schemes, and layouts you have. The two-tone colors for the blocks and multipliers is also very pleasing to look at for extended periods. Also, I would suggest changing "it's" to "its" in your How To Play section. I definitely say to keep going on this and add more levels.