After some frustration, I've finally published my first game. It's a bit ... rough, I'll admit it. But I'm glad I was able to get it up there at last. This tutorial was exactly what I needed for uploading to Kongregate: ... kongregate
- 50 levels
- Complete the puzzles based on word-sounds
- Click or Tap on the words to move them to the right position
At first I used the MoveTo plugin, but then I experienced some difficulty uploading, so I eventually replaced the movements with standard Set X / Set Y actions. If I get any kind of constructive feedback and interest on this, I'll upload a revised version with the MoveTo plugin since I've got the Kongregate upload figured out.
This took me about a month to create, mainly because I revised the interface a few different times, figured out Formulas, and waited too long to figure out creating objects from a dummy Image layout. I tried uploading to the Scirra Arcade but it said I included unsupported plugins--and that was after I completely removed every reference to the MoveTo plugin in a different version of the game. Alas, what can you do.
The game could do more, of course. But hopefully it's useful for just a short burst of interest from you before you move on to other things. Let me know what you think as any suggestion you have I can use to make better games or something more interesting / fun for you to play.