punkineo's Forum Posts

  • Does the interruptor act like a switch? If you hit the switch (whatever it may turn out to be), it moves the platform somewhere. Then when you hit the switch again, it moves it back to original position?

    Is the interruptor visible on your layout and can you (or the user) interact directly with it? If so, I would also suggest looking at the MoveTo plugin to move the platform around:

  • Maybe you need to add the Pin behavior:


    Perhaps you would create your sprite, then pin the health bar to it at a certain offset/location. Then, when you spawn a new unit, it will include the pinned health bar.

  • Thank you for all the responses. I just realized I asked this question without the intent fully explained on my side, sorry about that.

    I'm really wondering about business licenses outside of Construct2. So, for example, you make a game and publish it to some platform. Do you also feel the need to purchase a business license (like an LLC) so your games are associated with that business? As opposed to being associated with you as a person?

    I really do appreciate your earlier responses and fully understand how the wording of my post would lead everyone to think I was talking about Construct 2 business licenses, rather than general making a company business licenses.

  • I haven't played with this kind of thing yet, but I have looked into the Audio a decent amount. Have you considered tying the playing of the sound to the distance Object B is from Fire? So as Object B gets closer to Fire, Fire's Audio event kicks in at a certain volume level; as Object B gets further away, Fire's Audio event kicks in at a lower volume level.

    Would that help?

  • Here is what I would do:

    • Make global variable "timecount" and set it to Number, value=0
    • Create an event: System->Every 1 second; create an action: System->Add to timecount, value 1
    • Create another event: System->Compare instance variable->timecount = 5; create an action: System->Audio->Play sound = sound1
    • Create another event: System->Compare instance variable->timecount = 10; create an action: System->Audio->Play sound = sound2

    Then, when you go to another layout: System->At start of layout; System->Set value->timecount = 0. This essentially resets your global timer each time you navigate to another layout.

    Of course, you could probably also wrap most of this into a handy Function so you just call the Function each time you go to another layout; saves time having to copy/paste this for each layout!

    Hope this makes some sense. I'm not actually at my home computer to view the exact inputs/outputs but maybe this gives you enough to work with for now.

  • When you decide to publish your game(s) to the various platforms, do you also obtain (i.e., go out and pay for) a business license? For those of you that have done this, would you recommend doing it? Are there particular reasons one should buy a business license? Or does it not necessarily matter if you're a developer team of less than 3 people?

  • My name is Nate and I put in quite a bit of research before finally deciding to throw my lot in with Construct2. I checked out Stencyl extensively, even waiting until 3.0 was live, but the interface, logic, and overall presentation with C2 just made more sense to me.

    I'm very interested in making simple games that appeal to casual players or kids. I always like the motto of no wrong answer, so users can just try things out until it works (never frustrating, hopefully).

    I'm trying to finish up my first C2 game later this month built around sounds and how we pronounce certain words or phrases. Just hoping I can get that one done and under my belt before attempting other things.

    I love the plugins that others have taken the time to create here:

    Look forward to checking out your games and creations, as well as seeking your advice on mechanics.

  • This may or may not be what you're after, but I would recommend checking out the MoveTo plugin (top of the list):

    The rope-style pin may help as well, I suppose; I haven't experimented with that one yet.

  • I'm sorry, I don't mean to bump this topic (if that's bad), but this plugin is absolutely amazing. Thank you for taking the time to create it!

  • Thanks, this is very helpful!

  • I've read in the manual about supporting multiple screen sizes. But I can't quite grasp what I'm supposed to do with scaling the layout or screen to make sure multiple browsers/mobile can handle it successfully.

    If you're making a mobile game, do you just routinely choose an aspect ratio like 4:3 or 16:9 first? Then, after that, you choose the layout size? And the idea is that whatever layout size you choose doesn't ultimately matter because your aspect ratio is what determines how it displays per browser/mobile platform?

    So you could choose 16:9 and then select 1280x720 or 640x480 (or something) and it ultimately doesn't matter, because the scaling takes place due to the aspect ratio?

    I'm trying to make a game but keep getting hung up on this part as I'm worried that it may or may not work correctly in a browser vs a mobile screen (it's at 16:9 aspect ratio).

    Thanks for any feedback on this.

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  • I'm just a newbie here, but I think this is a great idea. If anything, it helps build the existing community here and, like you said, no one's requesting specific reviews or ratings, just a chance to actually have it reviewed even if it's constructively.

  • I've found this to be the case as well (using Chrome). When I test the game in preview mode, sometimes it boots up immediately in Chrome and sometimes it hangs for far too long (over a minute). When it hangs too long, I'll just keep killing the tab, going back to C2, then hitting F5 again until it comes up. It seems to be fickle as I can't tell when it'll preview quickly or when it'll take forever.

  • Dang it, sorry about overlooking your post! You too, Doc Ai

  • Thank you, nimos100! I guess I didn't realize there was a function plugin to include for the project, that makes a lot more sense now. Also, I like your example in the other thread--I'll take a closer look when I get home and try this out.

    *Edit to add: also thank you Jobel!