Proxymity's Forum Posts

  • mattb

    Well, thats exactly what I needed! Thanks!

  • Thanks for providing us your sources! Creative ideas are always great

    By the way, do you know Jams, where the topic "low poly" is commonly used? I know what jams are, but not really where I can find them (beside stupidly googling them ;D ).

  • is it possible to do it without smtp? ... using-smtp

    Hi again,

    as far as I know its not possible to send a mail without an outgoing server. The only way without having a smtp server, which comes in my mind, is setting up a temporary, local, one. The problem could be (in fact, its a great thing - but not for your idea <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> ), that most hosters (aol, hotmail, gmx, etc.) will definatly decline your mail (not even putting it into spam - it just wont be delivered) because your IP may be "unknown" (or you just got one, which was banned before).. chances are huge, when setting up a local smtp on a not static IP, that your users will run into this. Maybe checking a users IP (tools like could secure, that a sended mail will be delivered, but dont count on that.

    You could possibly just setup a new account; enable pop/imap functionality (in order to also enable external mailsending via smtp) or get a domainhosting. Dont know about free-mailhostings if you can "spoof" your sender-address (turning into - but I dont think that free hoster will do so); otherwise the reciever will get your sended mails with its original domain ( or something).

    (in short: easiest is getting a hosted domain with mails; setting up a php backend-script and sending mails over that - that will secure that your mails are delivered in *any* case and that you got a professional looking domain like "" and not a junky one like "" <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> )

    You may want to read this:



  • Hi blurymind,

    of course; with C2 (nearly) everything is possible!

    The easiest way, which comes in my mind, is using the AJAX plugin to give over informations to a PHP script. Take a look at: ... sing-ajax/ - that should do the trick (transfer your data from your project with POST to the backend script and see the magic happen).

    You could also take a look in here (dont know the current state of the plugin): send-emails-with-construct_t167741

    or ... sender-156

    In any way you'll also need a SMTP server.



  • Im working on a roguelike-rpg-ish game (or maybe a gamekit/template... lets see how much time I got the next months), featuring a pattern-based procedual dungeon/world-generation with different enemy-types and behaviours (a very early version of the generation is here:

    All graphics are placeholders (untill I find someone who can deal with 16x16 sprites.. because I cant .

  • That's great man,

    Looking forward to seeing some gameplay


    This is how far I have come today/and yesterday..? ).

    Working with tilemaps is much easier than I thought...!

    After spending hours trying to realize the idea of creating an additional array (1D), just for storing already calculated (by random) X,Y coords for each newly generated tilemap, at some point where I realized that this method is slower (I strongly think, thats just me, beeing unable to work with arrays that way



  • It looks good to me. If you did find that it stutters a bit when you add in all your other gameplay elements on top you could think about creating the room a bit more slowly to lessen the load at the point of creation but it probably won't be necessary.

    Ill see it, when its time to script that part of the game

    If I remind myself, Im going to report here, how performance is going (and may keep this *.capx here updated ).

    "Final" version (for now) for generating rooms:

    In the end, it was very simple... had too many too complex thoughts about what Im going to need & do... as always... thanks C2 for your simpleness! ;D

    Best regards


  • Hey Proxy, is this dungeon intended to be seamless? The only thing I would worry about if I was you would be creating another room while there is a lot going on in the current screen because that is how you get jank.

    Debug is your friend. Keep a close eye on how things are going as you implement it and it should give you a good idea of what is efficient and what isn't.

    Hi GenkiGenga,

    yes, its intended to be seamless.

    Im thinking about generating 3-4 rooms on start, and every time you reach the next one, an another is beeing genereted, if there isnt much action onscreen (thinking about making the generation dynamically; if not many objects are onscreen, the "generate-trigger" will be called; if there isnt such moment there is a hard-cap, when entering the last room created.... something like this might be possible somehow, if I debug it correctly, how you said .

    This is my current status on it (much more simpler than I thought at first, lol...):

    This is a very quick and even more dirty version... rooms are stored in *.txt files; they are loaded into an array on start.... just figured out, that my experience in working with tilemaps isnt the best - after I got the generator done, Ill take a look into it. The "TilemapGenerator" layout + event sheet is provided by R0J0hound: (will be removed, just used it for a fast tilemap JSON).



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  • Hi nemezes,

    you might take a look at: ... g-1134#faq bought it myself some time ago and I can really recommend this template. Might help you out <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> .

    Have a great weekend


  • Hi Constructurerers!

    Since quite a few hours now I'm trying to think about an algorythm, how to generate a dungeon with premade patterns the *best* way (there is no "best way", yes - but I want it to be as scaleable/ressource-friendly as possible ).

    The main problem might be, that I'm not exactly sure, what the correct name for such generator is, in english - things like "pattern based generation" or "dungeon generation with samples" doesnt showed me any usefull google.

    What I want to achieve:

    Sorry for the big picture; here's its direct link:

    When scene/level is starting, the generation-backend generates X (or less/more) rooms of an endless dungeon. The game starts when player wants to and ends when the player dies. A 8-way controllable player will be guided through a pixel-ish dungeon, filled with tons of monsters, secrets, chests, items and everything else, whats needed for a roguelike-hack'n'slash-RPG.

    The biggest deal (for me) on this project, beside the art/gfx (because I suck in creating it like noone ever before ), is the room-generation part.

    In what I need help:

    I need some advice in creating the generator. Thinking about an array, which stores informations about multiple, premade room-templates like: floor, walls, static elements; a random one is picked and "created" for the player. To make some pseudo-pseudo-code:

    Generation is triggered; // Trigger = player.X < 40% of current room; or a trigger-zone which is beeing entered

    Generator picks X; // X = a random number which represents a room-index

    Informations from array are parsed to the tilemap;

    Tilemap is beeing extended & parsed tiles are getting added;

    Generation finished;

    Because the player should be able to run backwards, I think, it would be the best to use a single tilemap which is getting bigger over time, instead of using multiple ones (if theres a more performance-friendly way, let me hear it!). Enemies, chests, dynamic objects, secrets and everything else should be added, too, when creating a room. Since Ild like to keep it on minimalistic hack'n'slay (not too heavy), many sprites are going to be generated each room (thinking about a minimum of ~10-15 objects and a maximum of ~20-25 sprites (or less, if the performance-impact would be too big in general... the targetted platform are mobile-devices)).

    So, if anyone got improvements on my sketch, before I start to script it, please tell me here. I'm thankfull for every idea or tip to make my life easier!

    Have a great weekend


  • TMAJA thanks that worked

    i have else problem

    i add other variables

    recoil (how fast enemy gun shoots)

    burst (how many projectiles spawn when timer is 0)

    Your timer for each enemy working

    but recoil and burst is for all enemy at once

    Please download again this same capx

    Or someone else please

    Hi IGDev,

    (Im on my mobile, cant load/open your project, so I hope I can help otherwise ;D )

    you could try giving your enemy objects instance variables (or if you are working with families, give it to them), one for each. With a "for each" event you could check every enemy on your layout; reduce their individual variables by X every X triggers (or seconds, however you want it to be). A third condition inside your for-each loop could check if the variable is = X (compare instance variable) and then trigger other events (hope you got how I mean it ).

    But be warned (if you have not had performance issues ever with C2), speaking about mobile games, "Every X seconds"-events *may* have a *huge* impact on cpu usage; if you plan having many enemies onscreen you possibly need an another solution for this (of course it depends on which device you have, its cpu, GHz, etc....).

    Hope I helped. Regards


  • Hi Constructururers!

    My newest creation isn't really a game, nor a template (for a game). It's something that could help anyone anywhen with nearly all possible problems/bugs/issues, totally unregarding what they are scripting/coding.

    What is logging?

    If you have never heared of "logging" or arent sure, if its something software specific, eatable or if it glows in the dark, I can recommend you this article (not from me, Im just too lazy to explain pros and cons (if any...) about logging at this point : .

    Simple Logging Backend

    (view the 10/10 cover image from above in fullscreen:

    What is this template about?

    It offers you a leightweight logging backend; offering 3 log-levels (info, warning, error) into a TextBox and/or into the browers console. It's kept as simple and compact (and understandable) as possible.

    On 27 lines of code (and about 40 lines of comments ) Ive documented every single step (partially with additional informations to make it absolutely (at least I hope so) beginner/noob friendly).

    For who is this template?

    I love using debugging tools - unregarded if its Construct2, PowerShell, C# or any other code-/script/programming language. Its a pain in the back to find an error which occours sporadically or doesnt seems clear at first.

    This template is aimed for beginners/noobs. Ive commented everything (as already mentioned) to make sure, its absolutely understandable. Maybe beside the logging-engine itself this might give a feeling about functions and their parameters (and, of course, working with them) - and maybe some other logic-stuff.


    • Logging into browser console and/or TextBox (multiline!)
    • 3 log-levels; info (for example: something triggered), warnings for non-critical issues (for example: chest appeared before a mob was killed), errors (for example: player exits the isolated bossfight area during bossfight before killing the boss (events which will have a huge negative impact on the game; or will break progress)
    • Costumize the used characters for prefixes, also different prefix contents


    When Ive got time (and people are using this, of course), i might add additional features.

    • UNIX & human-readable-format timestamp
    • Export whole logfile (or a number of rows) as file

    This list may be extended in the future.


    Currently, theres only using the tickcount implemented. For me, its good enough to use. As long as it isnt possible to get system time or ask a ntp-server whats going on, without plugins, Ill not implement any other "source of time" for now. Like mentioned above; when Im feeling to, Ill add a "real" timestamping-method.

    This template can be used everywhere and anywhen (sending the source to mars is strictly allowed!). I hope, that some can profit from this template and may learn a bit from the logic behind C2 (if you are an absolute beginner with C2).

    Unregarding if someone uses this or not, every kind of feedback is accepted (and wished) here! In a world without feedback (especially negative responses), everyone would be lost while ending up coding flappy bird clon.... oh, wait...

    Have a great day



    13.07.2016 | version 1 | initial release

    P.S.: my english isnt the best, sorry for that if anything is unclear (how mentioned at least 20 times in the sources comments), feel free to PN me here, or better: just answer to this topic; ill do my best to make things clear.

  • Here's a very simple capx. When you press Esc, the square should turn red. It doesn't work for me, but it does if I change the event to any other key press. Tested in nw.js, Chrome, and Firefox.

    Hi mikehive,

    I'll check it as soon as Im back home again <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> !



  • Hi mikehive,

    if you can post your capx I can take a look at it. With which browser are you testing it? Also, pressing ESC in YTs fullscreen mode is handled different than in "not fullscreen" things. Maybe try setting your preview browser on NW.js, just to debug the ESC-button.



  • Cheers Proxy!

    Ah, I'm new in this (Whole programing) but I learn quickly


    There is my capx.

    Hi again,

    no problem .

    If you got answers you can write me a pm, if Im only and see it, ill write back ;P

