Proxymity's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys,

    after reading across the manual, theresa big questionmark floating above me.

    I cant imagine, that there is no classic "tab" (for example: \t) for Text-classes. Is there really nothing which can fit the usage of the good old tab? I could really needed for displaying array-streams in a human readable format (by now its really messy, dont worry, it is... ).

    Ild prefer taking a listbox - but in the end im also ok with a text (area).

    How are you guys solving this problem (when thinking about no tab-equivalent thingy is available)?

    Have a great weekend,


  • Shouldn't you have Fam_Minions:Stop there as well when they collide? It looks like your only telling one of them to stop.

    Thanks for the answer, but no, it doesnt work. :-/

    Problem at this point is, that the pathfinding is calculated for the Sprite_Minions, not the Fam_Minions.

    Maybe a way could be calcluating the path for both instances, but this would head to double cpu usage and it isnt really needed (at least I hope so).

    Any other ideas?

    Best regards,


  • From a cursory search on the web, I think you can still run the installer even when Windows tells you the signature is corrupt/invalid. I think you can right-click and choose "Run anyway" or something like that?

    As for me, on W10 (W8/8.1 is similar), theres a Text-link on the left side of the warning-frame. The only button in it is "Close" (or something), on the other side there just a gray (depends on your colorsheme) text with "other actions" or "more actions" (Im not using the english language as os default, dont know whats in english) - when you click it, an another menu appears with "run anyway" options.

  • I hate to do so, but: bump

    Can't figure out noone of you knows a proper solution to this (or at least I hope so )

    Best regards,


  • You might need solid for the sprites, unless you're completely coding custom collisions.

    Tryed it, but it doesnt work like I want it to. Its very much the same without a change (since Im using the "normal" "on collision" which isnt pathfinding related - I think).

    Start of layout:

    Collision detection looks like:

    Here you can try it out yourself (click on the bottom buildings to open build menu; after every tick (time shown top left) minions are spawned; clicking on the shield-symbol lets them attack):

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  • Create a new condition (On start of layout) and in it, add any solid objects you have (the player, minions, trees, treasure chests, signs, etc) to pathfinding obstacles (should say "Add pathfinding obstacle") and then after that, also add "Regenerate pathfinding map")

    Thanks. But does this fix the problem too? The sprites dont have a solid; do they need one if collisions between them should work?

  • Are you using the native pathfinding behavior at all?

    Yes. Idea was to put different obstacles (fences, trees, etc.) on the gamefield. But then I noticed how crappy pathfinding works.. but thats an another story <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    When a minion is spawned, nothing happens with his pathfinding. It gets calculated when the attack button is pressed. Heres the whole pathfinding stuff inside:

    Every minion gets his own target, that explains the loops.

    Pathfinding should be stopped when "collided" and be started again when the combat ended (after no other minion from the opposite player is in range).

    This is only needed for melee-minions, ranged minions are also in the "Sprite_Minion"-sprite. Ranged minions are not going to use the "on collision" object, I thought about realizing this with the turret behavior. When a melee and ranged met, range should start firing/casting and melee minion should walk towards ranged untill he collides with it and they both go into melee fight (ranged wont deal much dmg in close combat) I wanted to determine "what is what" by the animation which is played - but thats an another story.

    Simply the "collision" between melees (or in this example Sprite_Minions in general) is the only important thing here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";-)" title="Wink">

    Best regards,


    Edit #1:

    Heres what it looks like - but this is just a "tech demo". I havent included any "gameplay" functionality. First I need the engine.

  • Hi,

    Im not quite sure, but you may got a variable/integer that goes crazy:

    [quote:3dyzusal]IPCFatalErrorMsg: Error deserializing 'length' (uint32_t) of 'IndexUpdateInfo[]'

    If my suspiction is right, check all variables and calculations you got in your project (maybe a function which calls itself messes them up), this might help you out: & - but how I said, Im not 100% sure about that <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";-)" title="Wink">

  • Hi there!

    Im sure, this has been already asked and answered, but I didnt found something.

    I got: "Sprite_Minions" which is part of the family "Fam_Minions". They both the bools "Playercontrolled" (bool in family instanced) and "Minion_playerowned" (bool in sprite instance). I think you now know where this heads to...

    "Sprite_Minions" are getting spawned in dynamic intervals, so the amout of them for both player and enemy is changed every nth event/second.

    To my question:

    Duo to the ongoing spawning of "Sprite_Minions" for both players with the same sprite as source, I created the bools "Playercontrolled" and "Minion_playercontrolled" on sprite and family.

    Movement is set by engine, so the player got no control over where the minions move.

    Creation of minions looks like this:

    My "collision" event looks like this:

    Now, collisions for "players" sprites are working - minions are stopping (from moving over found path) and showing the attack animation caused by function "minion_attacks_enemy", while the sprite which is owned by enemy just walks through him, totally ignoring him.

    I think the mistake isnt in my source, I think its my logic... but I havent figured out an another way to do such in a decent way.

    Does someone got me an elegant answer for this?

    Best regards,


  • Hi guys,

    according to TechNet, Edge Supports WebGL (as we all know, yes). But when it Comes down to universal apps, does it gets supported, too (especially on W10M, i know that Desktops & Xboxes are supporting it).

    Just tryed a few Things with Shaders, uploaded the whole Project and accessed via phone - black Screen, not even a loader (when the Project contains WebGL Elements). Trying to Access a webgl containing network-preview of construct results in several Errors. Is it only me (currently on b10586.71 (fast ring)) or is this a known "Feature" - or does it finally work with Visual Studios magical touch?

    Have a nice Weekend,


    (Sorry for the typos, autocorrection is Messing it up :s)

  • Hmm, interesting question.

    Already thought about it too, if it is even possible with onboard methods to get a Multiplayer in LAN (with or without Internet) done.

    It might be a bit tricky, dont know if HTML & CS are powerfull enough to check for your Environment (check if you are in a LAN or connected via the WAN). I think it might be possible, but dont know for sure.

    It migth be possible (in LANs) with Scirras Signalling Server (you can get it in the store), if you get it done, running it from the app/game directly and check the net, if there isnt already an another.. somehow it has to be possible, but how?

  • Thanks for the answers,

    sometimes I think too complex for C's logic.. >.>

    Thanks, thats what I needed!

  • Hi guys,

    somehow I am thinking too complicated to get a simple Task done (resource friendly, at least).

    When the Player presses the "Action" button/key, he should hold it for X seconds, untill the function/Action is executed.

    How on earth is this doable? Do I really Need a variable for it? Tryed Things with "wait" Action, but I think "pausing" isnt really what I Need here...

    Can someone blow to the back of my head, please?

    (Sorry for the grammar, Edge is Messing other languages than System language up..)

  • Hello, I'm want to know to make a player clone, which has the same animations and behaviors, copy the moves of the player, but with a delay, for example, when I move to the left, wait 1 second, and the clone do the same thing, and this with all the basics movements and custom movements I created.

    Do you have played Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario 3D Land? The mario clones that follows mario and do the same moves, i want to do something like that but in 2D.

    How to do?

    (Sorry for my bad english )

    You should take a look at this post:

    Also, check this one out:

  • Hi again,

    I modified it a bit:


    (Camera movement provided by:

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    R0J0hound, would you even recommend using tilemaps in such a Project? In the end the ground isnt animated, but it should be a detailed graphic? Is there a difference in Performance, when it Comes to "big tilemaps" (detailed groundtextures) instead of just putting in sprites? The borders are limited, not endless, but I havent got enough experience to decide, if it is even noticable in that case. Even through, working with sprites could be a bit more Handy.

    The empty spaces in the left-generation-part are fixable with a bit of math - havent done that yet.

    Have a great Weekend,


    (once again: sorry for the spellchecking and autocorrecting from my browser, it doesnt wants me to write in other languages except the OS one)