procrastinator's Forum Posts

  • Simply search google for "free to use game music". Plenty out there ;)

  • Ahh my kind of thread! Good work guys!

  • Better to learn from all the tutorials on this site before even thinking about money. There are many avenues for making money with Construct 2, from mobile devices, to game portals like Kongregate and Armor Games, to ingame purchases. These different paths to making money all depend on the kind of game you end up doing. Obviously, since you're only just learning Construct 2, those avenues are very far away, so it's best not to be so bothered just yet as it'll only get in the way of you having fun. It's nice to keep it as a dangling carrot to motivate you through the hard times (fixing bugs etc).

    Try simple games like breakout, space invaders, avoiding objects with the mouse (the player object moves where the mouse moves and you have to dodge objects moving around the screen). These will gain you experience and knowledge in game logic and possibly game design. Try adding your own ideas to these kind of games. Creating games from ideas already out there is much easier since you have a solid foundation to go from. When you become more knowledgeable, you'll be able to come up with your own ideas and implement them no problem.

    One of the best ways to learn is to download and play around with some sample code, to see how things are done.

    Drawing is a very handy skill to have, but it's not so important when you have a great idea. If a game is fun to play using only circles and rectangles, then it'll be even more fun with nice graphics. Once you have a great idea and implement it, you'll easily find a decent artist to work on your game with you for profit share, or some form of payment.

    You may even learn some drawing skills while trying to create your own paddle and ball for a breakout clone, or the player ship and enemies for a space invaders clone. I wouldn't get too hung up on the drawing part if that's not your thing. Put everything into what you feel you're best at. Everything else will fall into place as you go along.

    Hope that helps some.

  • Be prepared for a crapload of art. If you're not an artist, I hope you have one ready to help out. Poor, poor artist... ;)

  • Can't see why that wouldn't work but you do know that Y increases as it goes down the screen right?

    Assuming your window size is 800x600, you want:

    score = 600 - player.Y



    Y = 50 (near the top of the window)

    600 - 50 = 550


    Y = 490 (near bottom)

    600 - 490 = 110

    If those score results are too high, you can always divide by some number like 20 to get smaller scoring.

  • Another is 1+1!! That one gets me every time!

    jk Probably going to buy that book cheers Tom. Should wile away the hours in hospital!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Pretty cool! That ship reminds me of Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space. I hope your game is going to be similar! Looking forward to it either way.

  • but understanding what everyone says is easy.

    hah so you say! You couldn't understand "owt" ;p

  • It's for music production yet I don't see a quality sound card there? ;p

  • When it gets to CC's abilities, it'll definitely be worth paying $60 / ~£30 for.

    • Post link icon

    I remmber using this back in the day... importing it into PS, adding eye candy, then using it within Blitzmax. Forgot all about it cheers for the reminder :D

  • You mean I'm not Tom? and I'm not a game developer? I wonder if I should continue with my past life regression sessions!

  • No .cap file? Then this should be in the "Post screenshots of what you're working on!!" thread in Your Creations forum, otherwise post the .cap file ;)

  • Works fine for me in CC1.2