PixelPalette's Forum Posts

  • This is not an important thing as i can do it manually, but i like to point out that when you use "import frames" it leaves the index 0 frame and adds on the imported frames starting from index 1.

    Wondering if you can add auto remove index zero when importing. Thanks. 8)

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  • "Controls depending on inertion was a part of original idea. I wanted to create a game in which you have to develop some specific controlling skills. You can call me a perv, but I like hard games. And you have mistaken I mentioned about all controls in main menu. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    And about sound effect I think I will change it in a future level pack.

    Also in that addon I'll remaster controls a little maybe.

    Thanks for your opinion, I appreciate that."

    Ah okay. No problem. 8)

  • The idea is nice and i like the atmosphere, but the controls are terrible; horizontal movement speed while jumping is way too fast, which causes a lot of situations where you can easily slide off the platforms. Also if i remember correctly, you only tell the user you can walk and run, but not explain that you can also jump in the game.

    That's only thing that made me stop playing it, besides annoying sound effect you have with the levitation field.

    If you can fix those two, it would be great.

    Hope you can iron those things out, as it is an interesting game! 8)

  • I keep clicking but nothing is happening. I tried also reducing the properties by clicking the arrows, but also nothing happens. I'm using a wireless Logitech mouse and tried my Wacom tablet with no success.

  • Thank PixelPalette.

    Any suggestions? Maybe time and number of life as start?

    I'm planning rotate the scene and put 2-3 chickens at the same time.

    Well, about the bugs, thanks too! I already published another version with them corrected.

    No problem!

    Since the game is about capturing the chicken, you could impose a time limit. In this time limit the player must reach a quota of chickens before it expires, for a more frantic experience you see in arcade games.

    Additionally, adding some depth to the chicken capturing with a meter that fills up the more chickens you capture. Once this meter is complete you would go into a super mode per say. This super mode can be anything from temporary boost in speed or invincibility to hazards.

    Those are two ways of doing it, without doing more art assets for an HTML 5 game.

    I'll check it out later for any other bugs. 8)


  • Played it till the end, but i didn't find the fun in it. Perhaps it needs some other game element to make it a bit more interesting.

    Other then that, its a nice beta. Although, the chicken's movement has one bug (passes through the road block)

    Keep at it! 8)

  • "You can implement it with events. Whenever you change some text, set redraw to true.


    Thanks Rojohound.8)

  • Would like to see a sprite fonts plugin sometime. Need it for my games.

    Thanks. 8)

  • Yeah. As a Game Maker user, i see the community becoming less optimistic by the current management, and coming over to Construct.

    But Construct 2 has ways to go before it can catch up to Game Maker. Hopefully they can bring in more help in the future, to speed up development. 8)

  • I'm bumping it because damn, it is something to keep an eye on.

    It's cheap, its portable with SDL, and it will create a market with enough indie support. Doesn't matter the past behaviors of the that guy or its goofy advertisement, as long as it does come out.

    Hopefully we see Construct games working on it. ;P

  • "This can be achieved in events.

    There is no "else" events (like in CC).

    Make an event - system: compare two values

    As first value, double click system in the "objects with expressions" window and scroll down to Math-Distance (or any other expression you'd need).

    Your first event check if first value is equal to second value, you'd then make another event that'd check if first value is NOT equal to second value. (to make it up for the missing "else" condition)

    I understand that scripting seems sometimes like quicker to put in place then events. But on the other hand, in script, you'd lose the automatic checking of variable/parameter existence/type, visual/block organization, etc...

    I understand you arrive with your knowledge and ways from a former software, but you should really learn about Construct's ways (through the tutorials, wiki, check my signature, etc...) in the first time. C2 is not GM or whatever other software.

    They may have similarities, they may have the same purpose, but they are definetely different, and I think that they handle things differently.

    To get familiar with construct's approach, I think you should put GM's approach "on stand by" for a while

    (I've never used GM, so it is all assumption, but take the case of someone who is used to photoshop and arrives on GIMP. Things will be done differently in the soft, but they are both image editing tools. One just has to learn each software's way first.)


    Oh okay, found it. Yeah i just need to dig around more in construct before posting. But, i am eager to learn a new game maker so don't think it as a GameMaker vs Construct thing. Once i figure out everything, my dumb questions will disappear. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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    "Didn't kyatric make a plugin for that? It was based on A* and it was working with r50, I guess he just has to update it to r51.2"

    I just found out he did. Sorry, i am a game maker user, so i have not dug around the forum as some of you people have.

    "What exactly would that be? What is point distance? Distance from one point to another? That is provided via a SYSTEM expression, so I likely misunderstood what you said."

    Yep, its exactly that. Didn't know because of the same reasons described above. It was pointed out to me.

    "Agreed, especially if we could use modifier keys, like alt for precision placing (like nudging the object 1 pixel) and shift to constrain its movement to 45� multiples (or custom angles, like 30�, for isometric placement). Also snap to grid and to other objects, but I don't think it's that urgent (maybe after proper tilemaps and fine collision detection)"

    Yeah, that sounds great.

    "Agree with you here, it's probably an openGL thing. Possibly after the EXE exporter or webGL.

    A particle system could possibly be made by the community (read: us) "

    I hope they do, but a particle system sound more like a thing to add as a window pane inside Construct. Visually seeing it as you edit its settings.

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    "Same as above, check in the other thread, I pointed out the system expressions where all the math helpers (and more) you need are."

    Whoops. Yeah i see them now, thanks. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    "I'm working on a path finding plugin, it should be on the forum during this week end, or next week. There's already this thread that deals about pathfinding."

    Ah okay. I'll make sure to check them out. Usually i wait until its included in a game maker's release, for legality reasons but i guess you guys work different. These plugins are royalty free? Something that everyone seems to forget is to set up a system where it explicitly states its commercial policy. like that free font site, where users upload fonts and its categorized by none commercial and free for commercial use.

    "GUI making in construct is done with setting the parallax property from a layer to 0,0 (so it will stick to the viewport)

    Coordinates of an object are the X and Y properties that you can get as expression Sprite.X or Sprite.Y (where Sprite is the name of your object)

    Unless you mean something else, I'm not sure to follow your idea there."

    Oh okay.

    "Note: I'm a 3rd party plugin developper, I'm not part of Scirra's team.

    I make plugins for my needs first. (I mean, telling here that I'll check particles out is nothing of a promise or anything. It's just that i thought about it and put it on my todo list)


    Yeah, i figured you are third party.I would like to say thanks for your contributions! 8)

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    I'll reorder your list and dump things out. Then show you mine.

    These two below are definitely needed as soon as possible. Your really sh*t out of luck in doing nice maps without tile maps. Image points for sure. I was wondering why i couldn't add an image point, because my bullet kept firing from the hotspot no matter what i did.

    • Hotspot & image points for sprites
    • Good support for tilemaps

    The rest i don't see why they are important right now.

    Now here is my list after the two important ones i left from your todo list.

    -Math helpers. The important one for me is point distance.

    -Path finding. Pretty damn nice for AI.

    -Property to snap an object to viewport, and provide the coordinates. Really would be nice for an in game gui...

    These would probably be a opengl thing, but here go's

    -Particles. Not that important but would be nice having a particle editor in CS2.

    -Basic lights (ambient, spotlight etc)

  • I see this doesn't have any computational math help. Like checking for distance between two points. There's also no way of adding an else in it.

    Example in (gml manner)

    if (distance_to_point(obj_enemy.x, obj_enemy.Y) < 15) { do this etc. } else { do this. }

    This would really help me out if added. 8)