Rules of the Shadowrealm v.1.31

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From the Asset Store
Side-Scrolling Game "Vikings VS Skeletons" with complete Source-Code (.c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • Hi everyone! I'm glad to introduce you my third game - Rules of the Shadowrealm! It's a challenging (and I hope interesting) platformer.

    You're just a mere human that is trapped inside the wierd and grim world - the Shadowrealm. Your goal is to amuse some kind of god by seeking the portal to your home. Deadly traps and cruel rules will try to stop you...

    So your destiny is in your hands! Hope you'll like it.

    Rules of the Shadowrealm is a ******** platformer in which you have to develop some specific controlling skills. Main feature of RotS is that rules of the game will dynamically change. So, after few levels you'll be forbidden to jump or walk leftwards etc.

    Download and please rate if you like it:


    Game Jolt






    1.31 - 07/07/13



    • fixed level 16 and 28;
    • screen mode is also saving now.


    1.3 - 06/07/13



    • controls remastered;
    • pipe bug fixed;
    • starting sequence fixed (you won't see hyeroglyphs after first launch of the game anymore);
    • some levels remastered;
    • shooting animation of sentry guns and drones improved;
    • achievement system improved.


    1.2 - 24/09/11



    • language choice added (English, Russian, Ukrainian);
    • 8 new levels added;
    • new type of enemies added;
    • some old levels remastered;
    • all known bugs fixed.


    1.01 - 17/09/11



    • Font problem fixed;
    • Music loop bug fixed;
    • Bunch of minor bugs fixed.


    1.0 - 07/09/11



  • The idea is nice and i like the atmosphere, but the controls are terrible; horizontal movement speed while jumping is way too fast, which causes a lot of situations where you can easily slide off the platforms. Also if i remember correctly, you only tell the user you can walk and run, but not explain that you can also jump in the game.

    That's only thing that made me stop playing it, besides annoying sound effect you have with the levitation field.

    If you can fix those two, it would be great.

    Hope you can iron those things out, as it is an interesting game! 8)

  • The idea is nice and i like the atmosphere, but the controls are terrible; horizontal movement speed while jumping is way too fast, which causes a lot of situations where you can easily slide off the platforms. Also if i remember correctly, you only tell the user you can walk and run, but not explain that you can also jump in the game.

    That's only thing that made me stop playing it, besides annoying sound effect you have with the levitation field.

    If you can fix those two, it would be great.

    Hope you can iron those things out, as it is an interesting game! 8)

    Controls depending on inertion was a part of original idea. I wanted to create a game in which you have to develop some specific controlling skills. You can call me a perv, but I like hard games. And you have mistaken I mentioned about all controls in main menu. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    And about sound effect I think I will change it in a future level pack.

    Also in that addon I'll remaster controls a little maybe.

    Thanks for your opinion, I appreciate that.

  • "Controls depending on inertion was a part of original idea. I wanted to create a game in which you have to develop some specific controlling skills. You can call me a perv, but I like hard games. And you have mistaken I mentioned about all controls in main menu. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    And about sound effect I think I will change it in a future level pack.

    Also in that addon I'll remaster controls a little maybe.

    Thanks for your opinion, I appreciate that."

    Ah okay. No problem. 8)

  • People I'm looking for some more opinions and critics. Any comments would be appreciated.

  • Wolod,

    I appreciate the atmosphere of your game. I only made it to the second screen, but feel like I have some valuable insights.

    First of all - and this may be something to do with fonts - on the main menu I didn't see all of the controls, only movement and running. I had to find that jump was 'z' purely by trial.

    Secondly I feel like you should spruce up the main menu a bit. Make the title stand out more, make those levitating thingies stand out more, it is initially hard to understand what to do (maybe something to do with my screens brightness settings??)

    When I hit 'esc' for the menu in the game it comes up with menu, a blank option and 'ui' which is quit? If I choose any option other than quit, it drops the character down into the main menu again, then starts the first level again.

    I'm running the game on a laptop, processor is a Athlon 2 dual core 2ghz (or something similar) with 4gb of ram... It seems to run sluggish, which is why I can't progress in the game. It's frustrating, but not in the sense where I feel the puzzles are challenging, just where I feel like I'm wrestling with sluggish controls or something.

    On a minor note, when you enter the second screen, if you hold 'up' right away the body in the spikes will start moving up the screen.

    The film grain effect is cool, I was thinking a good effect for your game would be to frame the 'story' text at the beginning of each screen like they did in old movies (i'm too stupid to get the link button to work so here is an example: )

    I like the art style and like the weird face in the background. It would be cool if there were a bit of interaction, maybe have it laugh when you die or find specific situations to make it react. I think that would heighten the game experience somewhat and wouldn't be too difficult.

    Anyways - I think I can understand where the game is coming from, all in all good job and thanks for sharing.

  • The puzzles are very well thought-out. Sadistic, but well conceived. Control is a bit frustrating but you get used to it.

    I like how you impose limitations on the character the further they go along. I'm guessing I made it pretty close to the end, but the game started lagging to a point that it was too annoying to continue.

    I'm running;

    Athlon X2 4400

    2.75g RAM

    Zotac Ion video

    (I made it this far)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Wolod,

    I appreciate the atmosphere of your game. I only made it to the second screen, but feel like I have some valuable insights.

    First of all - and this may be something to do with fonts - on the main menu I didn't see all of the controls, only movement and running. I had to find that jump was 'z' purely by trial.

    Secondly I feel like you should spruce up the main menu a bit. Make the title stand out more, make those levitating thingies stand out more, it is initially hard to understand what to do (maybe something to do with my screens brightness settings??)

    When I hit 'esc' for the menu in the game it comes up with menu, a blank option and 'ui' which is quit? If I choose any option other than quit, it drops the character down into the main menu again, then starts the first level again.

    I'm running the game on a laptop, processor is a Athlon 2 dual core 2ghz (or something similar) with 4gb of ram... It seems to run sluggish, which is why I can't progress in the game. It's frustrating, but not in the sense where I feel the puzzles are challenging, just where I feel like I'm wrestling with sluggish controls or something.

    On a minor note, when you enter the second screen, if you hold 'up' right away the body in the spikes will start moving up the screen.

    The film grain effect is cool, I was thinking a good effect for your game would be to frame the 'story' text at the beginning of each screen like they did in old movies (i'm too stupid to get the link button to work so here is an example: )

    I like the art style and like the weird face in the background. It would be cool if there were a bit of interaction, maybe have it laugh when you die or find specific situations to make it react. I think that would heighten the game experience somewhat and wouldn't be too difficult.

    Anyways - I think I can understand where the game is coming from, all in all good job and thanks for sharing.

    Thanks facehead. About font problem: Copy of right font files is located in the game directory, just copy them to Windows/Fonts. In game menu there are 3 options: resume game, main menu and quit. Probably you were choosing the second one. Also about guy on the spikes moving up... Thanks that's my mistake. Also I was thinking of ineractive environment.

    Sonn I will make new version of the game where I'll add more levels, languages and other small things. And of course I'll try to fix all the bugs.

    This is how the right fonts should look like

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • The puzzles are very well thought-out. Sadistic, but well conceived. Control is a bit frustrating but you get used to it.

    I like how you impose limitations on the character the further they go along. I'm guessing I made it pretty close to the end, but the game started lagging to a point that it was too annoying to continue.

    I'm running;

    Athlon X2 4400

    2.75g RAM

    Zotac Ion video

    (I made it this far)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Thanks Caspis Sinclair! You're right it's almost end of the game. Maybe game slows down because of the rain effect, that starts on the final levels. I'll look up to it.

  • I was a moron! Now when I've downloaded Recource plugin, font problem is solved! Also moving spike guy bug is fixed. You may call it version 1.01

    Dowload links are updated in first post.

  • Sounds great! The fonts make such a huge difference... the game looks SO much better. Lag still prevents me from getting passed the 3rd screen though. If I find a way to speed it up I'll definitely try and make it further.

  • Sounds great! The fonts make such a huge difference... the game looks SO much better. Lag still prevents me from getting passed the 3rd screen though. If I find a way to speed it up I'll definitely try and make it further.

    In future update I'll use your idea about old movies frames. Thanks for feedback <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Today I've completed new version of this game. Now you can change language of the game, more bugs were fixed, 8 new levels and new enemies the DRONES were added! Download links updated in the first post.

    PS: Facehead, I haven't put frames from old movies, but wierd face on a background is more interactive now <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    PPS: any feedback is appreciated.

  • Rules of the Shadowrealm were developed 2 years ago. I know that controls were awful and I know all about that annoying little bugs. So I've created this update to bring this old game to a new level. I hope that you'll like the result. Please download, rate and comment. Have fun!





    1.3 - 06/07/13



    • controls remastered;
    • pipe bug fixed;
    • starting sequence fixed (you won't see hyeroglyphs after first launch of the game anymore);
    • some levels remastered;
    • shooting animation of sentry guns and drones improved;
    • achievement system improved.


    1.2 - 24/09/11



    • language choice added (English, Russian, Ukrainian);
    • 8 new levels added;
    • new type of enemies added;
    • some old levels remastered;
    • all known bugs fixed.


    1.01 - 17/09/11



    • Font problem fixed;
    • Music loop bug fixed;
    • Bunch of minor bugs fixed.


    1.0 - 07/09/11


  • I was in a big hurry yesterday so I haven't noticed few little mistakes which made levels 16 and 28 almost impassable. Also while language options were successfully saving, screen mode options weren't. I've fixed that issues. Please redownload and have fun.


    • fixed level 16 and 28;
    • screen mode is also saving now.

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