I think from what I understand keyboard are trigger events so ELSE does not work with it. Which is stated in the Manual
Run if the previous event did not run. Note that this condition does not pick any objects: if it follows an event that picks objects, in the Else event all instances revert to picked again. Else can only follow normal (non-triggered) events. It can also follow another Else event with other conditions to make an "if - else if - else" chain.
what you can do is switch to say:
if Right Arrow is NOT Pressed AND Left Arrow is NOT Pressed set Gravity to 5 (which you right click the condition and say INVERT)
So have a condition for if its pressed and another for if it isn't
I am not at my personal computer it is more of a shot in the dark. But I think the top condition with the green makes it a trigger event.
Sorry was typing my response when you replied.