For the movement, look at this post
I don't exactly understand what you need. How do you know which player is touching the screen? Where do you want to move the player object?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You could try something like this:
gumshoe2029 Try my program and compare the 2 timers with a real clock, you will see the difference.
Like gumshoe2029 said:
Maybe like this?
XML files are read only (tutorial).
If you want to write something, you better use 'LocalStorage' (Tutorial).
Use <pick all> condition after you created your object.
Your timer is not accurate, you have a cumulative error when you use <Ever 0.01 seconds>. You must use <Every tick> and dt *1000.
I finally use the plugin rex_nickname
Thanks for your advices.
Does anyone have an idea?
You could easily do it using the excellent behavior MoveTo from rexrainbow :
I have a family of 6 sprites. I want to have a generic way to create instance of the members based upon a parameter.
This is how I do it but it's not working:
I'm not sure that Scirra programmed the usage of a negative animation speed, this is why the frame stop at 0 and not going to the last one.
A little workaround to make it work:
Like blackhornet said, work with integers: