peterbot1970's Forum Posts

  • The only thoughts I have about this is why in a global internet community we still need to organize local competitions?

    Pity we developers outside UK can't participate. It's just like Kickstarter........we are global!

  • A lot of good games are mentioned here, but I'm blown away that nobody has even thought about the real classic games out there,. Besides Pong, Space Invaders and Pacman. I would say check out MAME, the ultimate arcade emulator. Play all the original classics from the long gone arcade halls.....only the sound of these I miss...

    Play Donkey Kong, Pooyan, Galaxi, Frogger, Commando, Don Panchi, Bubble Bobble, Virtua Racing, Metal Slug and I can go on and on. So many classic true games here with good game play that a lot of the newer games are lacking.

    For the best game experience build yourself a Game Cabinet and replay your youth

  • tulamide Creating music with programs that play looping audio files is still classified as music although the Mozarts and Beethovens out there might disapprove just as work created with photoshop is considered art although the Rembrandts and van Goghs out there will shout otherwise. In the end it's what you do with your tools what the outcome may be, and yes, these tools are very handy for creating game music by some one who's unable to play any instrument or has to pay royalties for just a simple game he makes for himself.

  • Just ad a PG rating like they already do with video games. No need to explain the player what he will see, the player should know upfront what to expect and that is easily achieved with the PG rating.

  • I'm using MAGIX music creator. You don't need a lot of knowhow just a bit of a feeling for rhythm. With this program you can make music with samples you can find all over the net, variating from cheap to expansive. It's a bit like the fruitloop, but much cheaper and easier. I think you can already get yourself a copy at MAGIX for around 50U$ including sound packs and some synthesizors and sample creators. Everybody can feel like a musician with this software like what is construct for us gamedevelopers

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I agree with the point made on the kongregate site. I played it, and did manage to go through the piles but think that you move to much with one click. If you adjust this with just a little bit it would be an improvement of the gameplay.

  • The graphics are looking awesome. Your making it mobile since I see the touch screen icons? Am also working on a platform but somehow in doubt if I will also make it for mobile since you are so limited in your controls. At least I find it with the game I make. At the moment I use 5 buttons for control and still have to make the fire and bomb controls Do you have the same experience?

  • Another simple tip to force the player to mover around, give him limited amounts of ammo and let randomly spawn some new ammo. There are plenty of tricks, like Arlys already said, know you can just take position and shoot all the zombies. I also made my first game from this tutorial. Have a look here ... _in_taiji/

  • Hola PhoenisNightly,

    the images were looking pretty cool, and I wanted to install the game untill I got this message:


    Deze app heeft toegang tot deze machtigingen:

    Uw locatie

    geschatte locatie (netwerkgebaseerd)


    volledige netwerktoegang

    netwerkverbindingen weergeven


    telefoonstatus en -identiteit lezen


    de inhoud van uw USB-opslag aanpassen of verwijderen


    testtoegang tot beveiligde opslag

    Van invloed op de accu

    voorkomen dat apparaat overschakelt naar slaapmodus

    Okay, it's all in Dutch but basically it says that it will have access to my whereabouts, my current location it will track, it has access to all my network functions, all my phone messages, my phone status, my sorry to say, but for a simple mobile game it wants to know a little bit too much from me then is good. I would advise you to somehow change this.

  • Thanks Aphrodite, will try it out immediately when returning from work

  • Hola guys,

    when you want to adjust your sprite with the Collision Polygon, construct gives it automatically a few points where you can manipulate the line. Is there a way to add more points to this line?

  • Looking pretty cool.

  • Really looking great. Good luck on Steam!!

  • Love the movement animation of the water. Curious about the game. Love the graphics!

  • This really looks promising! Cool graphix!