Hola PhoenisNightly,
the images were looking pretty cool, and I wanted to install the game untill I got this message:
Deze app heeft toegang tot deze machtigingen:
Uw locatie
geschatte locatie (netwerkgebaseerd)
volledige netwerktoegang
netwerkverbindingen weergeven
telefoonstatus en -identiteit lezen
de inhoud van uw USB-opslag aanpassen of verwijderen
testtoegang tot beveiligde opslag
Van invloed op de accu
voorkomen dat apparaat overschakelt naar slaapmodus
Okay, it's all in Dutch but basically it says that it will have access to my whereabouts, my current location it will track, it has access to all my network functions, all my phone messages, my phone status, my identity...so sorry to say, but for a simple mobile game it wants to know a little bit too much from me then is good. I would advise you to somehow change this.