peter568's Forum Posts

  • My short-term solution is doing an 'is Overlapping PlayerCol' after the tile is drawn and getting rid of it if it is, it's not super elegant but it means the player is never stuck in the boxes

  • I'm working on a section where tiles for the player to run on are created mid-stage. It works fine unless a tile is created where the player is already standing - then they get stuck. How would I prevent this or push the player out of the area?

    (playerCol is using Platform behavior, objects are a Tilemap with Solid behavior)


  • Feel the biggest sight of relief knowing it wasn't just me, lol

    I switched to the webview2 steam export options once ashley made those public, it 'fixed' the issue but at the expense of full steam overlay compatibility, i don't think achievements have been popping up correctly even though steam recognizes them to your account.

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  • Ah, this version is really cool, I like the way the player object physically orbits around and behind the vine, mine just follows the path and uses an animation to convey spinning.

  • the dropbox link isn't working for me :/

  • Lol yee I ended up workshopping a dynamic solution by making a string indicating the bends the vine takes, then tweening the player along that path. Gotta change around some conditions so there isn't a 1-frame pause between tweens but otherwise happy with how it looks

  • I'd like to implement a stage gimmick into a platformer.

    Grab a vine, swing across it to the tip, then launch off the end.

    I sketched out the idea below

    Mario Galaxy 1 also has a similar mechanic in 3D.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    (skip to :57)

    How could you implement this in-game?

  • Will do, I appreciate your time.

  • I've tested across multiple devices with the same results. Multiple other players reported this bug as well.

  • Steam overlay on our game Cycle Chaser H-5 is mirrored vertically - it wasn't like this on launch, and then randomly starting happening around our 1.1 update. Any idea what causes this? Been trying to troubleshoot it for a good half a year now and still no luck. Using different combinations of Chromium args, greenworks/steamSDK version, etc didn't address anything.

    Is there a chromium arg I could use to manually mirror it? Then maybe that would override it back to its original orientation.

    Would appreciate any direction and help I could get

  • I've made a short, free platformer for 1-Bit Jam 2023. Two friends escape a dungeon with their unique throwing abilities. I'd love if you give it a try and provide feedback :)

  • Yes, I solved it within 20 minutes of posting this lol. The 'X' action pins the inactive character to the leader instead of the other way around. I fixed it and now they maintain weight as intended

  • I'm making a platformer where the player controls 2 characters tethered to each other like Knuckles Chaotix.

    C3P attached below. Arrows to move/jump, X to switch character.

    I used the Pin behavior. When initializing the pin/rope/distance at the start of a layout, the non-controlled player remains stationary no matter how hard you tug against it. But if you swap characters, the non-controlled character will be dragged with their movement, and it remains that way.

    Is there any way to choose 1 Pin/Platformer type over the other? Have I done something with the event sheet? Should I be using something else to tether the characters together?

  • In your platformer state machine, make 2 separate states for your walking speed and your running speed. Switch those states using a button press, and then change your platform behavior's speed/accel/decel/etc values during those states to match what you like.


    If playerState = walk

    set acceleration to 800

    set deceleration to 800

    set max speed to 1200

    On keyboard C pressed ->

    Set playerState to run

    If playerState = run

    set acceleration to 1200

    set deceleration to 1200

    set max speed to 1800

  • I added an action to push the player up 2 pixels before the Vector Y impulse and got it working. My guess is as good as yours why it doesn't work.