URGENT - Steam Overlay is Upside-Down

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  • Steam overlay on our game Cycle Chaser H-5 is mirrored vertically - it wasn't like this on launch, and then randomly starting happening around our 1.1 update. Any idea what causes this? Been trying to troubleshoot it for a good half a year now and still no luck. Using different combinations of Chromium args, greenworks/steamSDK version, etc didn't address anything.

    Is there a chromium arg I could use to manually mirror it? Then maybe that would override it back to its original orientation.

    Would appreciate any direction and help I could get

  • My best guess is it's a graphics driver bug. Try updating your drivers or test it on another machine with different hardware to see if it works there.

  • I've tested across multiple devices with the same results. Multiple other players reported this bug as well.

  • I think you'll have to report it to Valve as a bug in the overlay. The overlay is entirely controlled and rendered by Steam and the app itself has virtually no influence over it at all.

  • Will do, I appreciate your time.

  • Hi,

    Any news on this issue?

    I think it's a C3 engine problem, not even the Greenworks plugin.

    I upload a prologue demo of my game a couple of years ago: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1627820/Universe_For_Sale__Prologue/.

    In this game, the Steam overlay in general works just fine pressing tab. It's not flipped and I used the stable r260 version of C3 and Version 0.52.0 of the Greenworks plugin to export it.

    Looking at this old result I tried several uploads on private branches on Steam and I came up to the conclusion that the error is in C3 (don't know which C3 version exactly broke the stuff).

    I tried things like using the 0.52.0 Greenworks plugin on the latest C3 (r368.2) and it's still flipped.

    The only thing that works and fix the problem is to revert my project to the r260 build and using the 0.52.0 Greenworks plugin, then export and upload on Steam.

    Unluckily r260 it's an old version of C3 and not supported anymore, so I don't feel confident in uploading my game to public with such an old version.

    But many users are reporting this issue so it would be nice if it could be solved.

    I hope to bring the discussion a bit closer to the point but the main stuff I want to bring is that C3 can influence the way the Steam overlay is rendered.

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  • Feel the biggest sight of relief knowing it wasn't just me, lol

    I switched to the webview2 steam export options once ashley made those public, it 'fixed' the issue but at the expense of full steam overlay compatibility, i don't think achievements have been popping up correctly even though steam recognizes them to your account.

  • Construct has no involvement with the overlay other than occasionally requesting to show or hide it. The overlay is rendered entirely by Steam. So I don't think this is anything to do with Construct.

    My best guess is it's either a graphics driver bug or a problem with Steam - either way Valve will need to help you.

  • I catch your point Ash and I don't understand why using r260 version of the engine the overlay is not upside down and with the r368 yes.

    I mean, if I export with r368: Overlay upside down.

    If I export the same game but with r260: Overlay ok.

    Could not be Engine related?

  • With bugs, all bets are off. Anything could happen. It could work with only even-numbered releases and be broken only with odd-numbered releases. It could work on Thursdays and be broken on Mondays. It's not at all unusual that some bug would only affect a specific range of versions, but it doesn't prove anything about whose responsibility it is.

    As I said Construct does not itself actually render any overlay, as it's entirely done by Steam, which injects (or interferes, depending on how you look at it) with external apps to draw content over them, in a way which is pretty hacky. If that drawing is done wrong, the first assumption would be it is a bug in the thing drawing it, which is Steam.

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