Patriick's Forum Posts

  • I really wanted something that could do this but I never knew such a thing existed! This is really cool... Thank you for sharing.

    I would like to see if this is compatible with Construct too. I would make great use of it for sure, but even if it's not when I get around to using Unity again I will be sure to use this =P

    I hope someone can answer this =] lol

  • awsome thanks patrick

    No problem =] I hope you enjoy them =P

  • These are brilliant, That's a lot of work...

    I feel like making a game just to use them, If and when I do I'll be sure to credit you, Thanks for posting these...

    Thanks I'm glad that you like them... You have Daniel to thank for requesting them though =]

    I look forward to seeing what people create with the sprites =]

  • Try Construct 3

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  • New versions of Construct 2 automatically mute games when switching to a different tab. The problem is probably only with old games which were exported before Construct 2 did this.

    Oh, cool. Thanks for letting us know =] That's pretty neat!

  • I wish that I got notified of private messages and stuff too... I'm sure it's not a bug but it would be nice to have the notifications fixed up some.

  • 1. Pac Man!

    2. GAUNTLET!! lol

    3. Defender

    4. Smash TV

    5. Castlevania

    6. Skool Daze (a spectrum title)

    At least they were the ones that popped into my head, although I can think of others I just cannot recall the name of them =

    Also, the above list is not in any specific order =]

  • If you didn't want to use the IRC for whatever reason, I would suggest Skype over Steam... You can get a couple of people in a chat as well as just remain on the contact list.

    I don't remember my Steam username, I don't get on it much anymore really =\</p>

  • After playing a few of your games, it seems that you should concentrate at bit more on polishing your skills on Construct before acquiring a team. As a designer I want my team members to work with me for my skill set and nothing less.   

    I understand you are young and I do admire you determination but you must learn to walk before you can run, just a little friendly advice.

    This is some really good advice =]

    Well now he has a kick *** little soldier character ready and animated so hopefully he can play around in Construct with that and practice some more... =P

  • OK, sorry for such a delay but I have the sprites complete for you now =]

    I did have to remake them after losing them but that was due to a fault of my own, I hope you get to use them for whatever you needed them for.

    All that I ask is, that wherever anyone uses these, they put my name in the credits =P


    Best Regards



    I split the jump animation into jump & land, so there are two different animations for that so that you can have mroe control over it. Also, if you want the player to run & shoot, you will have to chop the sprites into two parts, the top half of the body and the bottom half... It's not too hard to do.

    Also, with the sprite 'strips' I accidentally exported the stance frame with the shoot and crouch... but I zipped two versions, the strips and then multiple images, simply so that you can edit them as you see fit and then pack them up as a gif yourself...

  • I've been using "Pro Motion" which is really easy to use ,for example I can draw an entire castle and choose to export a tile map of the drawing, it will break my drawing up into multiple tiles according to the tile size I choose and make a tile map file. But it only does square tiles, not 4 sided "diamond" shape isometric tiles.

    Do any of the above noted programs do this?

    Technically yes they can, but YOU have to chop it all up into the pieces yourself and export, they don't have any option that will take your drawing and do that for you, at least as far as I know...

    By diamond isometric tiles do you mean what WhiteClaw posted? (Hexels - Hexagon shaped isometric tiles)

  • I can't vouch for them, but they seem legit enough to me, I mean you could only try, it is after all only a few quid :P

  • Hello everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone could recommend a program that would let me export drawings as isometric tiles? I have a program that is great for making isometric drawings as it has a great isometric grid, but it can only exports as regular 2d square tiles. I will be using these tiles in the "Tiled" map program.



    If you're asking what I think you are, then my answer is...

    You simply make the isometric tiles in your application of choice like:



    and so on...

    If you take ordinary tiles and try to rotate/skew them for an isometric view you will lose quality and detail, the images will distort, I don't know of an application that can take such tiles and create them as isometric but I think I recall seeing something that did that a long time ago, however I cannot say for sure and my advice would be to simply create the tiles yourself in the isometric view and you will achieve the best look.

    Tiled is a great tile editor!

  • This is a nice idea, I will read your articles from time to time to see how things are going for you but I've been in a similar place before so I know what it's like...

  • It would be quite nice to have a mute feature, or something. Many times I have forgotten my surround sound was on a REALLY high setting from listening to music, then BLAM loud retro sounds blaring out the house... Oops lol

    I know that's on me but I guess there really isn't anything that could be done unless the developers of the games made the mute button or if they make it so that you have to enable audio. Right?

    That wouldn't be a viable option though, to ask or expect everyone to do that...

  • Hey-- any chance you could post a coupl'a examples or a link to look at the current version or a capx ??

    kind regards, mark-p.

    +1 to this! I would like to see something like an example and possibly a link to the current state of the graphics and such. Providing such information will greatly improve your chances in finding someone willing or able to help!


    hi this link may help..

    also search help wanted and tools and resources there are quite a few people who are kind enough to offer their services for free or paid

    There are a good few out there that will help, it's just a matter of finding them when they have free time, and of course, what I commented above under the previous quote also applies :P