Patriick's Forum Posts

  • Thats fine thanks a bunch

    The Running animation is now pretty much complete. I need to tweak it a little but I have it done, the soldier is running with the gun in his hand...

    I'm pretty tired though so I will clean it up and get the jump finished tomorrow =]

  • Ok, I've just got a new computer so once I have everything installed and setup on that, I will have time to finish up this sprite sheet for you, I will give you what I have at the end of the day either way and just update with the rest on Saturday if I don't finish all of them today, at least that way you can get something going with the sprites while I work on the rest of them =]

    Sorry for the delay :P

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  • Ok thanks

    This might look bad on my part, but I am helping for free :P but I won't be able to finish these up today either, I have to go and collect a few new parts for my computer and it's going to be rather late when I return home, it's already 20:03 here in England.

    Keep checking back though as I will most likely get to it tomorrow, I have little work to get done unless something comes up of course but I don't foresee anything like that happening. =]

  • Patriick hows the artwork going

    I got really busy yesterday and wasn't able to continue working on the character animations through most of yesterday...

    It shouldn't take too much longer to add a good run, death, walk and jump animation, so be a little patient and I should have them uploaded here soon enough. I can't work on it right now I have some important things to deal with but as soon as I am able I will =]

  • Patriick

    you should put them on your thread..

    That's a good idea, I probably will create a single thread for all of my free graphics so that everyone can easily find them. I just won't do it until I have a few more ready to post =]

  • Thanks

    I tried uploading this to YouTube but it says processing and is taking a good while to process so here is a link to a video preview of the animations so far.

    It's .wmv format and the file size is 1.6mb

    If you can't view it or download it for whatever reason I will update the post with the YouTube link once it actually processes.


    The YouTube Link:

  • I've been working up a 2-d (think side scroller) point and click game engine. Here's a test I uploaded a while back:

    Point and Click Demo

    Click anywhere to move.

    Click and hold the left mouse button over an object to select it, and release the mouse button when you're over an icon to select an action.

    Construct 2 is quite capable of point and click games, especially with the new path finding behavior.

    This is VERY nice! I love it...

  • Well I want to give this a shot for sure!!

    Hopefully I can come up with a good enough Idea and pump it out by June 14th :P

  • Patriick

    your artwork is amazing

    Thank you :P


    I now have a few animations done...

    Shooting the gun


    Shooting when crouched

    I will get some more done later, between breaks of what I am working on and such, I should have them complete tomorrow sometime for sure =]

    If I manage to finish them tonight then I will upload them here for you.

  • Patriick That's brilliant work...

    Thanks =]

  • Ok, here is what I have so far...

    Let me know what you think?

    The gun needs a little work, I roughly threw it in for an idea on the hand placement.

  • A camoflauge uniform and a helmet with usa on it so it looks like a marine

    It's going to be hard for me to add the US flag symbol to the arm but I can try I suppose.

    There are also a few different cammo types that come up on Google search for US soldier, so I will shoot for something and if you need to change the colours you can.

    I will post a sample of my progress once I get it on it's way, probably in the next 5 or 10 mins. I'm going to start it now. I might not be able to work on it and finish or start the animations today, but if you like the sprite I can animate it or try to animate it tomorrow if I don;t have the time today that is... Just a heads up.

  • Yeah, I can animate it. What would you say defines a US soldier? (I'm not from the states)

    Sometime in the next hour I will give it a shot and see what I can come up with, it will be with Pixel Art though =]

  • If I find myself stuck for something to do later today I'll give it a shot, what kind of style are you looking for... If any?

  • I got a little bored of working on my sprites so I decided to give it a try...

    With 'scientist' & 'cartoony' in mind, this is what I came up with, sadly he doesn't look too mad lol but there are three variations, the only difference between them are the hair though. I guess it still needs a little work but for a sample without anymore to go on this is what I have.

    Let me know what you think?

    If you want it to use, I will send it over. The only thing that I ask is that you give me credit for creating it no matter where you use it (just as long as you do not intend to sell it on =])

    Ignore the thing to the left, that was what I was working on beforehand =\</p>