Patriick's Forum Posts

  • pixel Perfick: I wanted to add a couple that others had posted but I refrained from posting a list of dupes :P plus I really do like the titles from my list =]

  • If you use Paint.Net there is a Grid plugin on their forum...

    Install that and set the grid size to the dimensions above in your document and it will set your document up, ready for you to create all of the isometric tiles that you need. Once you have finished creating your tiles just save the image out and load into Tiled and it should work fine.

    Hopefully you understand but if not My tutorial will explain it in much more detail =] and you should be able to follow along and understand perfectly fine after going over it.

    Is this what you meant?

  • I have a tutorial half typed up on how to create these kind of tiles... I will finish it and post it tomorrow sometime but I use Tiled with those type of tiles all the time...

    If you want to create those kinds of tiles don't worry about trying to convert the square tiles into those, set your tile grid to something like this: 64x32 (WxH) keep the dimensions to the power of two and draw in your square (diamond)... Something like this: Download this and load it into Tiled and you will see that it Tiles perfectly under the isometric map.

    If you want a higher quality image and you want to increase the resolution/dimensions just remember what I said above...

    Use that as your starting point if you wish, I will be creating a full tutorial on it tomorrow well I will be finishing and publishing it anyway lol.

    I hope that helps?

    Kind Regards


  • Sulli: I think they may be on my external HDD but I have to leave the computer now... Once I am back later tonight then I will go through the HDD and see if they are there... If not I will probably just make some and post them in the tools/resources section.

    If I do then I will send you PM letting you know.

    Also if I don't get back on tonight I will be around in the morning for sure, I have a lot to get done :P

  • Patriick

    wow; a lot of work has gone into them.. they are really good.. the little soldier has so much character..


    you are really lucky to have this help.. can't wait to see the game

    Thank you <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • not really, I guess it depends on the person creating them, I just like the pixel look.

    I can animate a lot better with pixel art than vector right now due to not having the tools I would need but other than that I would say, neither is easier, it probably takes about the same effort, vector animation would be easier than animating your sprites but the process of preparing the vector art to be animated and such is tedious at times. It most definitely pays off if you get things setup right though.

    As for environment tiles, it's pretty much the same in my eyes, the vector art will look a lot smoother and such though

    Honestly I haven't worked with vector art for a while now either =\ lol

  • Yeah, I've been on the Ouya a little, there isn't too much as of right now, at least on my list it doesn't show that many titles and some are not quite finished, I guess it's ok as the console hasn't officially launched yet anyway, I would like to port my game once complete over to it for sure, so that tutorial would be great... Once created of course.

    I can say one thing for sure though, I am most definitely modding that freaking Ouya controller lol

    It's a pretty neat little console though, specially for the price, there are a few decent title on it too so far, that bomb squad is pretty fun but I got a little bored after a while...

  • Nope, I cannot seem to find them, but I don't mind helping out a little...

  • hi !

    thank you.

    i've already find these one :)

    thats good but i was hoping to find a sprite sheete with torso and legs separate. also a bigger size would be nice.

    i've done something but i've got some bug when the legs is a 90? of the body, you can see some parts of the legs you shouldnt see.

    anyway, for the moment i let this aside. the legs will be pointing at the mouse, as the body and head. this a bit strange when the character strafe but its ok.

    i'll show you when i make a dropbox account. soon !

    Well I look forward to seeing it =]

  • Well, if you want to use tiles in the form of pixel art instead of vector, I can pitch in and sort you some out...

    I think I might even have some old tiles that look pretty good lying around in my cloud storage. *Goes to look*

  • Patriick it would be nice if a bunch of us did have a way to have a more consistent chat; messages are normally split apart by 5 hours through threads :P

    Just a dream <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    You could always try the IRC although when I have tried going there there isn't much going on, but that's probably just poor timing on my part. I do tend to work at the computer at odd hours =

  • Patriick muhahaha, <img src="smileys/smiley24.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.. as a college student I earn no money <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> I had to sell my xbox, phone and games to afford this computer (which, miraculously, I got for such a great price) and now selling my bike <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> to buy the personal edition so hopefully one day I can get some form of revenue <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


    Trust me, I know how that goes mate...

    In that case, why not just attempt making your own platformer assets =]

  • It's a toughie and I could think of others and re shuffle them all day, I probably will now...

    But these spring to mind...

    1. Space invaders (The king,has to be in the house)

    2. Gauntlet

    3. Defender

    4. Pheenix

    5. Pac man

    6. Outrun

    7. Rastan

    8. Rygar

    9. Galaxians

    10.Kung-fu master

    I bet you could age each user, to the day, based on their choices...

    <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Haha! I bet you couldn't <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> you might be able to guess a good few though =]

    Great choices by the way

  • How do you post the pictures? I didn't post any before because I don't now how <img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Use the BB Codes... ["IMG"] put your image link here ["/IMG"] but take out these > "

    You have to have your images uploaded somewhere though, like dropbox or an image host...

  • I don't know if you will find this of any use?

    You can modify them and use as a template for your top down sprites but I would like it if you gave credit for using them in such a way...

    There are not a ton of animations on these either but it has a firing animation and a walking one for you to observe for reference?

    Kind Regards
