fasasoftware I am working with
QuaziGNRLnose on this testing. I have experienced the black as well in some example tests as well as issues with orientation. As it stands, xdk / cordova is lower on his priorities because he's got broader issues to work out before he can start debugging things going on with XDK.
As it stands, we're not sure if it's actually Q3D at all or if it's something with Cordova somewhere.
Are you targeting android or iOS? Up till now my focus has been iOS, I haven't done any testing with Android yet, but I have a Galaxy S4 I can test with because I'm wondering if the bugs
Also have you tried PhoneGap? I have not done that yet, but it's something I want to try out today to see if the issue is Cordova as a whole or XDK specifically that's having issues.
lots of questions, but plenty of stuff we can discuss and try in the meantime to help him know what's happening where and with what by who