Alright so i am a bit stumped again and I am not sure why. I have been at this for two days now and it's so strange being so far on a project and done things similar to this before and had no issues. I have feeling I am just overlooking a few steps.
Anyway what I want to do is fill the screen with tiles in random order, without repeating the same tile twice.
What I did was make one sprite with different frames, made my randomize placement events and randomized frame select by a random number generator.
For the purpose of my example I am only using four tiles, and every time the program runs it does three tiles the same and one that it different. Everything else placement wise is fine.
I have tried several combinations of this and can't get it it to work. I taught myself arrays and have looked over a few of the tutorials but haven't found one that really helps in this case.
For my example there is an extra frame that is a red X, I do NOT wan't this frame to show up as it is just a place holder since Construct requires one instance somewhere. I will be attaching pictures to these tiles based on their frame once I get this to work but I need them all random and to only have once instance of each frame.
If anyone could look over my example and advise me on what I am missing I would greatly appreciate it! <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle" />