Paradox's Forum Posts

  • Oh, I was just reading the tool tip.

    I would have expected if all the frames weren't the same it would have popped up ab unable to comply message.

  • I had r99 on a machine I don't use often, and it worked. I skipped ahead to r102 thinking the font problem would be more recent, but blew it, as r102 didn't work.

    edit: Ashley

  • Yeah, and the Alt key I believe is reserved too, cutting out a lot of options.

  • I edited the example to jump back to layer 1 on another click, and 1 works after it loads for 2.

    I just noticed I have another game that has the font not showing in one text box, but is showing in another right under the first.

    However I haven't gotten it to repeat that in the example. (it's a complicated setup, with included event sheets, font names stored in Variables, and lots of other setups before the second text is written in a function...)

  • Years ago, (like 15) I remember all games using f5 to save and f9 to load. But maybe they are still used, as Skyrim still uses those keys.

    If that is what you are talking about...

  • You mean more than the one in the Events tab?

    (See Event Tab for illustration:

  • We also have the new turret behavior now that can also be used to check targets within range.

    Edit: went ahead and made Joeykid6's example work with turret movement.

    This automates rotation speed, and give you other options like predictive aim, where the bad guys can anticipate your direction.

  • It would seem your loop is re-running every tick.

    Select all of event two, and drag it into "On start of Layout" and you see it works.

  • I am working on a level editor where the plan is save the canvas arrangement to an array and then save the array.

    But I haven't gotten that far yet to show any code.

    The problem with my code is that I will push to the array:

    "For Each Instance Order By Instance.Zindex ascending"

    so that when it put them all back, they would be in the correct Zorder.

    You would have to sort by X maybe, or make an instance variable labeling which column they belong to, and you could draw that column offscreen as your character approaches.

    --I have a game that checks the FPS every couple seconds, and if it's below 25 twice in a row, it starts "destroying" extra scenery.

    Edit: to clarify the column idea, your character is touching a block that's instance variable says it is in column 5. So if column 2 and column 7 aren't drawn, draw them. (if headed right, column 2 would have been drawn already, and column 8 would get drawn.)

    Then you would also destroy any Column 1 and column 9 instances.

  • An annoying little bug is the color not saving when the color pallet closes and reopens. Workaround: close the Animation editor after selecting the color, and reopen. As that does save the color.

    Link to .capx file (required!):

    editor function

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a sprite & open the animation editor

    2. Select a new color

    3. Draw two lines with that color.

    4. switch to the eraser, erase one line. (any tool that closes the pallet has the same result)

    5. switch back to your brush, your color has reverted to the color that was saved the last time the editor closed.

    Observed result:

    You have to use the eyedropper to grab the color you are currently working with, or type in the values.

    Expected result:

    The color should save every time the pallet closes rather than when the editor closes.

    Browsers affected:

    Editor only

    Operating system & service pack:

    Win7 64bit

    Construct 2 version:


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Notice the flaw in the anim along the left edge.

    2. Easy to fix, crop the edge off the whole animation.

    3. Select all but that row of pixels, hold shift click crop.

    Observed result:

    It only cropped the first frame.

    Expected result:

    It would crop all 38 frames.

    Browsers affected:

    Editor only

    Operating system & service pack:

    Win 7 64bit

    Construct 2 version:


  • tanoshimi That's a different crash, Ashley responded once before:

    "crashing if your computer goes to sleep or hibernates while Construct 2 is open is a known issue and is a separate problem - can you reproduce any issues on exiting when your computer has been on and active the whole time?"


    It was the same topic, different thread:

  • Does the pen have settings/options for mouse emulation? Same with the touch, is there anything in the Control panel?

    I tried to find something on Google, is there a "Touch" button for times when the right click doesn't work? (like task bar icons)

    Quoting a guy who left a comment on a review:

    "Most people will probably use a mouse, or touch screen, so I think the only reason Sony included the touch key was to give it right click functionality without a mouse in places where touch screen won't work like the task bar icons."

  • What made me think it was working was that i have a game that worked. However, returning to the game, it doesn't work in Chrome anymore, for the first layout, (title screen) but it does work when it reloaded the font for the second layout. (level 1)


    Here, I used the example and made a second layout, when you click, it switches to layer 2 and you can see the font switches to the proper one.

    Would this offer a lead to solving Ashley? (@sqiddster)

  • In fact, they are so global, you can put all your global declarations in an event sheet of their own, and it doesn't have to be included or associated with any layouts.