Paradox's Forum Posts

  • Is it using any plugins or behaviors that "Access" anything?

    Have you output it as html5 and put it on your own server to see if it works online that way?

  • Particles are optimized slightly to make them better than spawning multiple sprites. But not by much, if particles had the extra abilities it would become better to use sprites. So they will probably say use a sprite instead.

    I have used multiple overlapping particle emitters in the past, each spewing it's own image. (IE sparks, smoke, and fire.) That may be an option.

    Ashley beat me to it. ;-)

  • Did you try making a simple test program to see if it works? If it does work, then it would narrow it down because you know it what is not the problem.

    If it doesn't work you could post it here for others to test and see if it works for them. If it doesn't work, they may be able to point out what is wrong.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Maybe just a registration list? When you update the plugin, you also login and update the registry for your plugin. So Construct2 can download the plugin registry list, compare the dates and inform the user to seek out a new version?

  • You mean during runtime, design time has the little locks. I currently add a condition to my events like: "Is layer visible?" that way if it's hidden, the clicks don't fire. But if that ability was there, I would definitely use it.

  • I too have wished it at least jumped to the spot of the Redo, so I can guess which of the past several I am redoing. Seeing the line change helps, but it is usually off-screen.

  • It sounds like what you are wanting is Functions. You can call a function to repeat a series of events each time it's called with different parameters.

    The manual:

    Including event sheets is actually combining them, Construct2 consideres them as all one event sheet. (Except that the included sheets "On Start" events will fire first.)

    Edit: Yann is making Videos, and goes over functions in this one. He offers lots of tips for their use.

    Edit again, just noticed my link to the maual had a space after it that prevented it working, so it's fixed now.

  • If I remember right, changing "Sampling" in your projects settings from "Linear" to "Point" will turn off the smoothing in all but Internet Explorer. You can't turn it off in IE.

  • Yes, like Ramones said, you can ignore the warning if you paste them immediately. You can put all your Globals on their own event sheet which doesn't have to be linked to a layout or included in another eventsheet.

    Edit: Yes, it is scary the first time you do it. ;-)

  • That capx ran fine on mine, no odd behavior after.

    Did you try uninstalling completely, that's worked in the past for odd failings.

  • I think it has something to do with your routine running more than once. While one set of "Waits" is going on, more are also starting. Which gives the overlap of the "Charge" Variable toggling 1 and 0 real fast. Compounding the problem.

    I dragged Event 8 into Events 7 as a sub-event, so it only ran when Charge turned to 1, and it seems to work, except for the bullet angle vs the sprite angle.

  • He just means it pops the message to the top of the list, like it's "new" news. Several people will think there is a new design to the Arcade, and then will start asking why they don't see it, and so on..

    Happens to everybody at least once.

  • When exporting the game, did you use the "Scirra Arcade" export?

    I'm guessing you probably did, as it looks like it was working at one time?

  • Not real biggie, the Z order bar doesn't refresh it's icons on close of the image editor. They only seem to refresh on loading of a project.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Load something like Template-Platformer.capx (1st example w/sprites)

    2. Edit the player sprite, change the color to red.

    3. See the Z order bar, the player is still blue.

    Observed result:

    the 16x16 z order bar icons appear to remain the original icon throughout the session, or until loading. New sprites will have no icons.

    Expected result:

    The z order bar icons would refresh on animation editor close.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes/no

    Firefox: yes/no

    Internet Explorer: yes/no

    Operating system & service pack:

    Win7 64bit

    Construct 2 version:


  • The new Z-Order bar is in the newer Beta versions, it came out after the last stable release. It is also for licensed versions only. It allows you to drag objects behind and in front of each other, even layer to layer.

    For Expressions you can use during the game:

    And there is a new ordering feature as mentioned in the Change log:

    "To add a little extra control at runtime, there's also a new Move to object Z ordering action. This also allows you to dynamically Z order objects behind or in front of other objects, rather than just sending to front/back." (It won't be in the manual until next stable release.)

    That command may or may not be in the free version.