oppenheimer's Forum Posts

  • I'd love to chime in here because I am a big fan of sustainable blockchains like Tezos for example. In contrary to bitcoin or ethereum (Proof Of Work) it works with so called "Proof Of Stake". The energy cost is lowered a great deal. You can mint a clean NFT for an Co2 equivalent of a Twitter tweet. The underlying technology is very upgradable, too and is said to be future proof.

    to get you started with a Tezos wallet check out kukai.app

    and for a market place example check out objkt.com

    Sorry to bump this, but I'll try to bring in some experience here.

  • i fixed those urls, ryguydavis

  • i fixed that dropbox-url, puntodamar

  • What a massive bump, sorry.

    The subject it pretty interesting, so are there any updates?

    Only the chromanin example from that site works for me, sadly the c2 plugin does not (tested in FF 34 and Chrome 40).

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  • Hey mate, wanted to report (again?) that the zip archive is still broken. No probs with the stand-alone files. I'm using WinRAR.


    hey dude, sorry for the mess... i removed the archives due to incompatibilities between 7zip and winrar ...

  • Mind if i ask where did you get that beautiful crystal sprite?

    i rendered this myself =)

  • Hi guys,

    in r150 quadTexUV was introduced. It vaguely states "New quadTexUV function in WebGL renderer for plugins to use for distortion effects".

    What can we expect do with it and how?

    Do we get updated SDK-templates in the near future?

    It seems pretty interesting and my guess is that we are able to code something like this:


  • in addition to that, i'd like to post a short video on shoebox' bitmap font capabilities:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • blackhornet

    definately a good starting point! but i think we need to be able to adjust some things to make good use of the official sprite font plugin and the output of your tool. what about power of two textures and more control on positioning the chars?

    the thing is that bitmap fonts are a great way to bring customized / styled fonts to a game and not just a prerendered ttf/otf/etc.. but currently i dont really see a good way with the official sprite font plugin to accomplish that.

    anyways.. thanks for your tool! maybe you find the time so adjust some more features to better work with the input sprite sheets.

  • vee41

    check out that workflow with shoebox, its really awesome..

    it's like

    1) style your font in photoshop or similar in one line

    2) save as png

    3) drag & drop to shoebox

    4) output

    soo easy! i can't even imagine a convenient way with the current features of the sprite font plugin. this char-width action is cool, but i don't really see this tedious part on the users side.. more on scirras side :P

  • just found it and it's a pretty nice tool for game developers.

    especially the option to create bitmap fonts with it:


    it has a very smart approach on kerning the individual characters.

    the workflow of creating bitmap fonts is more than easy and pretty straight forward.


    would it be possible to enhance the great sprite font plugin by reading the ouput .fnt file or automate the process of individual character-spacing in some way?

    take a look at a fnt-example here:font.fnt

    (open with a txt-editor)


    the output png is as follows

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6200498/Construct%202/font.png" border="0">

    • Post link icon

    i second Kyatrics opinion: Modularity features!

    it's better to have features which help us out today and are technically interesting today rather than having yet another feature that will (probably) work in a year or so.. if at all.

  • thanks for your effort in explaining the problem to me, tulamide!

    well, i knew what pixelWidth meant in general. the thing i didn't get was the relation to dFdx/dFdy/fWidth.

    back to problem itself. Stefan Gustavson is calculating black and white circles and therefore speaks of gradient which describes antialiasing the circles' egdges.

    in my shader, i like to tile & rotate textures. so i need to interpolate the transition areas between one texture and the follow next. to illustrate my problem a bit more, i like show the code i use:

    precision mediump float;
    varying mediump vec2 vTex;
    uniform lowp sampler2D samplerFront;
    uniform float pixelWidth;
    uniform float pixelHeight;
    uniform float offx;
    uniform float offy; <font color=GREEN>//Offset the texture</font>
    uniform float tilex;
    uniform float tiley; <font color=GREEN>//Tiling parameter for X and Y</font>
    uniform float rot; <font color=GREEN>//Rotation factor</font>
    void main(void)
         float ro = radians(rot); <font color=GREEN>//degree to radians</font>
         mat2 r = mat2(cos(ro), -sin(ro), sin(ro), cos(ro)); <font color=GREEN>//simple rotation matrix</font>
         vec2 tile = vec2(tilex,tiley); <font color=GREEN>//tiling vector</font>
         vec2 off = vTex*tile+vec2(offx,offy);<font color=GREEN>//apply tiling & offset</font>
         vec2 pos = fract(off*r); <font color=GREEN>//new position to sample from</font>
         vec4 front = texture2D(samplerFront, pos);
         gl_FragColor = front;
         <font color=GREEN>//sampling & output</font>

    this code produces jaggies of course:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6200498/Construct%202/wishlist/aa_problem.png" border="0" />

    if we knew the exact location of the texture transition area, we could sample there and do the interpolation. currently we jump from the end of texture one (gradient = 1.0) to the beginning of texture two (gradient = 0.0). a smoothing factor provided as a variable could describe that interpolation area (threshold) on the basis of pixelWidth/pixelHeight.

    my main problem is that i can't imagine how to implement this gap area with my current code. Gustavson suggest taking into account the variables uScale cos(uYrot), but i don't know exactly which part of my code corresponds to those.

  • edisone

    my pleasure! more will definately come <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • So even poor amateur game creators would benefit from this feature.

    poor amateur game creators don't own photoshop, do they?

    I would be happy for construct to flatten all layers to seperate png's and maybe do some cropping on import

    that's definately photoshop's task! try to see this creatively. i don't know which version of ps you have installed, but check out the "scripts" menu under "file". it contains an option to flatten all layers etc.. do an animation with those and batch export to png/jpg.

    and check out C2's option to duplicate layouts.. normally it should be a nobrainer to set up something like a scetchbook.

    but besides that, i don't know if C2 is the perfect tool for such a task, because if you just want to click through some html pages, notepad++ is your best friend.