oppenheimer's Forum Posts

  • i never saw this thread! cool plugin!

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  • here's another approach combining perlin noise & displacement via ribbon.

    grab a CAP

    a few hints:

    • 2 Noises are being used for X and Y distortion (each with a different seed ofc)
    • global('Strength') determines the strength of distortion in pixels
    • global('Segments') determines subdivsion (keep it reasonable or glitches may occur)
    • global('NoiseOffset') animates the whole thing (see event 2)
    • boxes are draggable.. woohoo ;)
    • play around with the variables (especially noise settings, e.g. noise type, frequency etc.)
  • newt: thanks ;) ... constantly randomizing the noise would have been impossible (512 map size needs about 2 or 3 seconds). i pushed the data into an array to have the opportunity to process it.

    zyblade: you could reshape the amplitudes when you re-write the array data. to use the start and end point, you definately need more math. in the current state of the example it's just half of the layout height + offset.

    the cpu's processing time heavily depends on your map size of the noise and the number of instances which are moved/scaled/rotated. once it's done (at startup) its data is available through the array. gpu issues shouldn't be problem. only the post-processing stuff (2x blur & glow) is taking about 6mb of vram.

    "Is there a way to combine oppenheimers example with newts first one?"

    of course! just pull the array/noise-data and use it as displacement.

  • i tried to achieve the wanted effect without using displacement. instead it works via sprite instances, which are being stretched/rotated/moved by perlin. i'm well aware that this approach might not be thaaat efficient, but at least i wanted to try it out with coherent noise ;)

    here's the CAP

    a few hints:

    • press Space to toggle the fade behaviour
    • play around with Size in the Noise-Settings, it represents the "Step" setting in the flash example. But beware, the higher the value, the more instances are being created (i suggest not going higher than 512 with fade off)
    • global("OffsetY") determines the amplitude
    • take a look at the Noise-settings in "FillArray".. especially Frequency is of interest
  • newt: simple, but random. and it makes use of displacement, which is limited in resolution/steps. what did you advise, 60 polys or so?

    zyblade: if you really want to have that look, you had to create instances of line objects (maybe 5x5px or 3x3px sprites would be better considerung aa issues) and move/scale/rotate them via perlin as needed. that would be step/resoultion independent.

  • you could try an invisible helper-bullet with instant hit to get the final collision point. then draw you laser from turret to that destination point.

    here is a cap from someone in the forum i downloaded once:



    actually it was an example by ashley

  • my guess is a 1D perlin noise combined with an offset polygonal line (see steps parameter). add a fancy glow effect and you're good to go.

    if you set the speed pretty close to 0 one can see, that all arc-branches are kind of "aware" of another. it looks like the noise-function behind affects all branches at once, so more like 2D-noise.

  • pretty cool! ...and pretty fast, too.

    i'm curious how the gameplay will be.

  • it's pretty tough, but nice! i found it strange, that when you die the first time without saving (i actually missed the hint to press c) that the game just exits. the other thing i encountered was the crate, the purple guy said it'll crush snails, but they just jump over it. i lol'd, because i've never seen jumping snails ;)

    two other quirks came up with sound. first, the background music restarts over and over, when entering, either by proceeding or dying. it should just play. the second issue is the jumping sound of the hero which i didn't like that much. it would be cool to have several jumping sounds.

    good luck!

  • plz mirror the exe on dropbox, because rapidshare is slow like hell.

    i'd like to try your game, but it's a pain to download with 50kb/s.


    wow, those graphics and sounds are outstanding, the timescaling stuff was very impressive too!

    when there's light there's always a shadow, too.

    to begin with: it's the heros movement speed which far too slow, even while constantly holding shift. the intro-sequence, when the hero has to get to the temple, was a bit too long for my taste. i got the feeling that i do something wrong. but yeah, i found it then after 5 minutes ;)

    so i morphed into the chainsaw guy and was able to warp, which is a great idea btw! and then there was that enemy. i wasn't able to kill it! the help tooltip suggested pressing 'space', so i triggered it like crazy. but he didn't die. frustrating! after furhter 5 minutes trying to meet his maker i warped outta there and moved to the left, and suprise i found that secret cave where i should press 'e'. what did i miss there? i just go into that building and that was it? and that's the point when i tried to kill the monster once more. without success, that bothered me and i rage quit.

    but congrats! you managed to create a very dense atmosphere which i greatly appreciate. if you could lead the player even further by telling him what to do exactly then you game will be pure killer. you could even sell it, imho. great job!

  • great you released it and glad i could help out betatesting ;)

  • I'd load every single tile into a sprite animation. You could save a lot of events by looping through the frames. I'd suggest you take a look at the (old) forums, too.

  • you're right... there is a timeout when accessing his server.

    though you can still get it via waybackmachine:


  • check sourceforge for the latest build ConstructClassic_r2:


    if that version does not work, it could be that i have a slightly different version of the sprite plugin. in that case it would be incompatible, and i'd b sry for that.