Look this http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/4263005_700b.jpg
You can see the animated cat, is moving his body... there some elements like text, bodies, etc. are animated.
It makes me WTF how is even possible...
CAUTION: It's lagging on your browser
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Yeah, no.
Its a gif. The browser doesn't really care what the named extension is.
Try to save the image. It will be *.jpg.gif.
Oh, thanks for proving the truth XD
Yeah, either that or the browser notices the file contents is really a GIF. Open it in a hex editor and the first 3 characters are "GIF" to mark a GIF file, so the browser can probably figure out it's not really a jpeg anyway.
Out there are Animated png much better than gif
but unsupported in too many browser
I test is work with firefox:
Really sad was a great format
Out there are Animated png much better than gif but unsupported in too many browser I test is work with firefox: sample Really sad was a great format
There one a solution...
It requires to code with jquery to make animation with PNG sprite sheet
it supports in too many browser.
Not that relevant, but I believe this Google logo was made like you mentioned above.
animated png? im in! =)
<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/p480x480/423966_362107250474511_204139229604648_1391657_905806711_n.jpg" border="0" />
yes this is awesome post dude