olipool's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, will read this soon.

    But I just want to point out one thing I learned from the wonderfull book Teh Art of Game Design:

    UberLou: You are a game designer!

    Because you make a game. Ist just that easy. Everyone who thinks about a game or even makes one is a game designer.

  • Really great stuff MJ!!!

  • Thanks for your input guys. I guess I have to give Python a closer look. I'm sure it can be done in Construct and even with events but if it's a pain why do it that way? But respect spearfire

  • Hi everyone,

    I was just wondering how to make text based games in Construct in the most sensible way?

    For example a text adventure, I remember making them a long while ago with Amiga Basic (using PRINT, INPUT and GOTO, yeah!), but with this event based programming I'm a little lost how to approach this the best way. Perhaps using Python? Or is Construct not the best tool for this kind of games?


  • Thanks, I tried pinning the hotspot to the hand but this only changes the values I have to add at each frame. This does not stop the sprite from sliding during to frames

    I don't understand what you mean by pixel buffers and empty space, maybe I described it wrong, there are no blank frames in the animation, I only want to pause the movement of the sprite until the next animation frame comes into play.

  • Thanks, good idea with a walking and a running animation. I guess with the running animation it is not so crucial that the player slides 1 or 2 pixels.

    But imagine the following scenario: I have a climbing animation. The player is hanging on a platform and is climbing up. The first animation frame is the hanging, his hands high over his head are positioned tight on the platforms edge. Now the next frame the player pulls himself up, his hands are then in front of his face, still tied to the exact same edge. Since the second animation frame has lesser hight, I have to put the player sprite lets say 20 pixels higher to match the hands with the edge. Lets say during the first and the second animation frame are 20 ticks/event-loops. Then I would have to move my player 1 pixel every tick so that it lines up the edge when the animation changes to frame 2. But during the whole time that animation frame 1 is on the player flies magically up from the edge which is not right.

    Hm...have I explained the problem well enough?

  • Or perhaps someone known another way of doing what I want to achieve: moving the player only with every animation step. Is there another possibility for that?

  • What I noticed, if you want to bring transparancy with your png you should make 24bit-pngs, I made some 8bit ones and the transparancy wouldn't come in. But perhaps that was a bug in the last version and is now fixed.

  • Thanks for the info! Hm I guess I messed up a little...

    Here is my cap. I want to mention the sprites are not free, I just use them for testing, the cap is not ment to be a game someday, just a playground to learn construct better.


  • Hi all,

    I have an invisible box with the platform behaviour and an sprite attached to it which does all the character animation. At first I let the sprite do a looping running animation and the box do the movement. But this looked a bit fake because the character was sliding on the floor, so I figured I want to move the character just a different amount based on his animation frame.

    So my solution is an onAnimationFrameChange event in which I add a value to the X-position based on the current animation frame which looks very convincing.

    But: the animation does a kind of flickering like there are two animation frames overlapping for a very short time or not showing at all. This only occurs when the project fps settings are set to vSynched. When I put it to unlimited eveything seems fine which leads me to the conclusion that somehow the new sprite is drawn in the moment when the screen is updating or something like that.

    Is it possible to use a kind of buffer, where everything is drawn and only after that is shown?

    Or what could cause this flickering?

    Thank you for any advice on this!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks so much to both of you. Great community

    The link is also great, because I also work on a state based platformer but in addition with transitional animation between the states.

  • Hi all,

    I experiment my way into construct and try a few jump-n-run moves. What I want to do is:

    If I press the up-arrow, the hero should jump only in Y direction and if he can grab the edge of platform or something he should hang there (like the first Prince of Presia game or Flashback).

    My main problem is, that I want to use the platform behaviour so I don't have to bother about falling through the floor, running through walls, calculating gavity etc. and if I want my hero to hang on to something, then he gets automatically pushed away if that makes sense.

    I first thought I could make the platforms not solid but platforms instead but I don't want the player to jump through them from below. I then thought perhaps I have to use solids an only make the small grabable edges as a platform but this seems a little strange to me or isn't it?

    Thanks for any advice!

  • Really nice, thanks! Nice to see what is possible with minimal effort.

  • You set out 2nd animation just to play once without a loop.

    Then you set the 3rd animation to loop.

    Then in the events start the 2nd animation. When this is finished after playing once, an endOfAnimation event ist generated, which you have to handle. There you can start your 3rd animation which will play endlessly.

  • You don't have to destroy the object. Just use the action "setAnimation" and set it to your animation2, for which you deselect "loop" and enter at "repeat #" just a 1. Then it plays just once.

    Then you have to use the event "onAnimationFinished" to catch when the animation is finished and then use an action for this event which again sets the animation to animation 3.