Hi all,
I have an invisible box with the platform behaviour and an sprite attached to it which does all the character animation. At first I let the sprite do a looping running animation and the box do the movement. But this looked a bit fake because the character was sliding on the floor, so I figured I want to move the character just a different amount based on his animation frame.
So my solution is an onAnimationFrameChange event in which I add a value to the X-position based on the current animation frame which looks very convincing.
But: the animation does a kind of flickering like there are two animation frames overlapping for a very short time or not showing at all. This only occurs when the project fps settings are set to vSynched. When I put it to unlimited eveything seems fine which leads me to the conclusion that somehow the new sprite is drawn in the moment when the screen is updating or something like that.
Is it possible to use a kind of buffer, where everything is drawn and only after that is shown?
Or what could cause this flickering?
Thank you for any advice on this!