The first half of the Python tutorial is out!! I decided for the sake of clarity and length to break this up into two parts. I also created a quick guide for setting up external libraries.
The first part and the quick guide cover setting up your development environment to support using most external libraries. There is minimal to no hunting for dependencies in most cases. For the second part, yet to be written I will cover other libraries like Pygame, PyGTK, and perhaps speech and networking. This is a slight detour from the "main tutorial", but I promise to add some of the python speech stuff in the next main Adventure tutorial.
You need to have Construct .99.82 (or later) to use Python libraries correctly w/Construct.
Python Library Quick Guide
Python Library Tutorial Part1: Dev Environment and Artificial Intelligence
Here is a screenshot of the simple chat app. Hope you enjoy this tutorial!
<img src="">
Feel free to edit the wiki! That's the point, I want people to edit it, not leave it all to me!
Yeah, I know I can.. I was just kidding with you. It does feel somewhat weird though to me to make a wiki to my own tutorials... feels like advertising.