olipool's Forum Posts

  • Ok I agree with the sprites, but I guess there are a few (a lot) sprites for free use out there. I defend this idea mostly because of my my drawing skills

  • Sounds fun, though I'm far from contributing. But as deadeye mentioned once per month sounds more reasonable.

    It should also be taken into account that challenges should focus more on game mechanics and ideas than on animation (you mentioned moving plants), because drawing spites is a lot of work to look good and it would be a shame if one has to throw them away after the challenge.

    Perhaps a challenge could even give already made sprites to work with, since it would be not commercial I guess that would be no problem? I just found the Prince of Presia sprites on the net...looking really fine.

  • Yay! Thanks, just what I needed

  • Hi there,

    I like to know if and how this is possible in Construct. I want a character to walk to the right if the player presses the right arrow and if he then presses the left arrow the character should turn an then walk to the left. Sounds easy. But how to I implement the turning animation?

    I thought of something like

    if pressed left and walking to the right then

    change playersprite to turn to left

    if turn to left is finished (how do I detect this?)

    walk to the left

    Hm does that make clear what I mean? It is a general problem with all transitions between different movements for example the same when the character is running ans then should stop (he shouldn't stop in an instant but make one or two stopping steps with his feet)

    Thanks for any advice on this!

  • Ok I admit I don't have any experience in day to day use of construct.

    But for different images in an animation: only when a new sprite is created then it will be named like the image. And ok I see your point that images can be named different than the sprite should be. But in that case it would be no more work because you have to name the sprite anyway from "Sprite1" to anything usefull.

    But again, perhaps I get the whole thing wrong in my thinking, it just came to me during the Ghost tutorial and I thought most sprites will consist of just one image. (yeah, silly me...)

  • Hi there,

    going through the Ghost tutorial I thought it would be nice to name a new sprite by default like its picture name (without file extension)

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  • Hi there,

    I'm a brand new follower of the Construct pilgrimage so bare with me if I make stupid suggestions

    Is it possible to detect a collision of an image point of a sprite? If so wouldn't it be possible to place two image points on the left and right bottom of the sprite and then calculate the needed angle the sprite has to rotate in order not to colide with one of theese points and the slope? I think then the smooth ramping mentioned in another thread would also be possible to achieve.

    Looking forward to learn and create here!