OddConfection's Forum Posts

  • Raiper341

    I'm assuming you have an object with 5 animations that you want to cycle through when the object is touched. That is, when touched you go to the next animation and when it's on the last animation you go back to the first one.

    Here is an example of how to do it:


  • FredQ

    Codah's solution should work, but here is an alternative since it's good to have options.

    Set a variable to true, then loop through the objects with a for each, checking the inversion of some condition, and setting the variable to false.

    If after the loop has run the variable is still true, then the condition must be true for all instances of the object.

    Here's an example where it only sets the text to true if you've clicked all the sprites:


  • We need somebody that updates Greenworks to be compatible with Node 0.11/0.12/0.13 so another one (Or the same) can write a Plugin for C2 to use it.

    - Conti

    Has anyone contacted Greenheart Games about hiring them (or the person they hired to create Greenworks) to update the Greenworks plug-in to be compatible with Node 0.11+?

    There have been 5 games greenlit for Steam and another 30+ awaiting the Greenlight. So, if those 35+ developers and whoever else wants Greenworks each chipped in $100, there would be $3500+ to hire someone to update it.

    Whoever updates the plug-in could use Kickstarter or IndieGoGo to make sure the money was pledged before they start work.

  • cornelg7

    I was one of the ones that couldn't get it to load past 10% before - but it loads now though.

  • ProDesignerOne

    From my experience enabling drag after the timer like LittleStain said means you have to re-Touch the object to start dragging, but there is a way to have drag enabled but not allow the object to move until after the timer though.

    Here is an example of having to touch and hold an object before it will drag:


  • cornelg7

    Game wouldn't load for me. Loading bar got to about 10% then stopped.

    EDIT: Still stuck after leaving it another 10+ minutes.

  • Allardje

    Here's an example using clamp, lerp and a couple of instance variables.


    On touch start, it sets Sprite.Destination to Touch.X

    If the Destination is to the left, the Sprite moves to the left until it reaches the place you tapped.

    If the Destination is to the right, the Sprite moves to the right until it reaches the place you tapped.

  • xtraroger

    Without seeing what you have done (i.e. a .capx), it is hard to say what you have done wrong.

    Do you have lots of things happening every tick? Only run events when you need to run events, having things run every tick will slow things down.

    Are all your images bigger or smaller than 512x512 pixels? File size in kb/Mb matters for download, pixel size matters for rendering, the smaller the better.

    Is that 32 instances of objects? Or 32 objects with multiple instances? Do they have animations? Lot's of objects with lots of animations will affect performance.

    What tablets/mobiles are you testing on? Are they really low spec? Computers will always run faster than mobiles.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm a sucker for a bargain on Steam.

    Last game I bought on sale I think was Angvik, a game made with Construct 2.

    I played it but didn't finish it as my reflexes suck.

    Half the other games I've bought I haven't played yet. One day, though, one day...

  • JJEvil

    Yeah, I guess I was a bit more fortunate. My primary school had 3 Apple IIe computers that students could use, not that the teachers would let us use them very often since most of them struggled to even turn them on. Most of my early programming was done at home, copying things out of magazines and books onto the C64, and trying to tweak them. And I always had some sort of games system - Intellivision, Atari 2600, Sega Master System (my brother had NES), various Game & Watch games (favourite was the TableTop Snoopy game which I think I still have somewhere), and more as the years went on.

    At high school, we actually had a whole classroom full of computers! I don't know whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, but the teacher who taught programming admitted he was only one lesson ahead of the students so he let me do my own thing since I was ahead of everyone else. I ended up making a Tic-Tac-Toe/Naughts&Crosses game and a few other simple games. We did a mix of BASIC, Pascal and dBaseIII+ throughout high school.

    University was a bit more instructional. We did C/C++, Assembler, COBOL, Scheme and a few other languages and covered topics such as Graphics, AI and databases. Of course, most of the lecturers made it so boring, it mostly killed my desire to program.

    After university, I moved more into IT support and only did the occasional programming for work or some hobbyist stuff.

    Now I get to make games for a living and code in Lua, the easiest programming language I have ever come across. I mean seriously you don't even have to give variables a type!

    I still make simple games as a hobby, hence Construct 2, but hopefully one day I can turn those simple hobby games into something people might buy and I can stop making other peoples games.

    Anyway, good luck making your games, I hope you keep having fun with it and wish you all the best.

  • I'm 36 myself and been programming on and off for most of my life - I think my first programme was written in BASIC and copied from a MAD magazine onto a Commodore 64 when I was like 6 or 7.

    I stumbled into an indie game job about 5 years ago after doing some hobbyist game stuff in my spare time, but it has only really paid off in the past year or so.

    I'm getting paid much less than now I was before I got into game development, but it's enough to get by on and a much more enjoyable job even if it is mostly making someone else's game idea become reality.

  • discoverthecurse

    I'm assuming bcstate is an instance variable, in which case you with need to do ObjectType.bcstate instead as just bcstate by itself makes Construct 2 look for a global variable.

  • - woops, my bad, didn't notice this was in the Javascript SDK sub-forum

  • DylanBannan

    A small game I exported from C2 was just over 4MB as raw files and about the same when wrapped into an apk with Phonegap Build, so I guess Phonegap adds the least overhead out of the available wrappers.

    About 3MB of that was for the 3min music track, so I could have got it down to about 1MB if I removed the music or replaced it with a shorter sound loop. If you've already optimized your images, music would be the next place to look.

  • czar

    The Browser->On back button pressed works for me on both a Samsung Ace (Android 2.3) and Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (Android 4.1) with a game wrapped using PhoneGap, so I'm not sure why it's not working for you.

    The manual also suggests it should work.

    On back button

    Triggered when the user presses the device's 'Back' button. Note not all devices have this button (e.g. iOS devices only have a 'Home' button) and not all platforms support this trigger.

    What actions are you trying to execute when the button is pressed? Maybe they are the bit that's not working. You could try just changing text on screen to test it.

    It could also be an issue with whatever wrapper you are using, some things don't always work with some wrappers.