OddConfection's Forum Posts

  • shukra

    Global variables count towards events. You can see this by creating a new blank project and adding a global variable, the Events counter will go from 0 to 1.

    That would account for the extra events you are seeing.

  • sqiddster

    Congratulations on winning the Best Use of Physics title.

    Will check out the demo, the original game was great.

  • Joannesalfa

    Thanks, seems like a useful addition. I'll check it out.

    I used the 3rd code.

  • DuckfaceNinja

    I'm glad I could help someone else with one of my examples.

  • johnrazor

    Thanks. Downloading now.

    I used the third code.

  • Weleavefossils

    Here is an example of scrolling between two objects in a very simple platformer with two playable characters:


    In the example I have an invisible object with the ScrollTo and Pin behaviours, and when I switch between objects to follow I Unpin the ScrollTo object, move it to the new object and then Pin it when it's very close.

  • Ludipe

    Probably a bit late to help, but instead of using the Twitter plug-in you could add a Sprite for the Twitter button and then when it's Touched/Clicked use Browser->Go to url-> "https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=" & YourMessageHere

  • docdo1

    Add the GUI to a separate layer and set the layer's parallax to 0,0

    Give each GUI element the Anchor behaviour and set left edge to Window Right and top edge to Window Top

    It should then stay in the same position on screen and work with any aspect ratio.

  • mahdi71

    You could also use anglediff(angle1,angle2) when doing the comparison, which should be ok with negative angles.

    Here's an example


    Just drag the blue target around and the turret will follow it.

  • > mahdi71


    > Objects have X and Y values for their position


    > So if you had an object Turret and an object Target, using the expression Shinkan suggested you'd do angle(Turret.X, Target.X, Turret.Y, Target.Y) to get the angle from Turret to Target.


    > You'd then compare this angle to Turret.Angle to see if it was pointing in the right direction.


    actually it should be angle(turret.x,turret.y,target.x,target.y)

    Ok, so angle(Turret.X, Turret.Y, Target.X, Target.Y) as might be case-sensitive

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • mahdi71

    Objects have X and Y values for their position

    So if you had an object Turret and an object Target, using the expression Shinkan suggested you'd do angle(Turret.X, Turret.Y, Target.X, Target.Y) to get the angle from Turret to Target.

    You'd then compare this angle to Turret.Angle to see if it was pointing in the right direction.

  • i am using only my art , ..., as i am able to create it myself.

    Not everyone can create art, so you could consider selling game art packs to raise money to buy the Construct 2 license.

  • You could try calculating separate points around the player to move to for each enemy so they don't end up following the same path to the same point.

    For example, if you had 4 enemies you'd move them to:

    Enemy 1 = Player.X - 100, Player.Y

    Enemy 2 = Player.X + 100, Player.Y

    Enemy 3 = Player.X, Player.Y - 100

    Enemy 4 = Player.X, Player.Y + 100

    You could also add in some code so that when an Enemy is overlapping another enemy, they both back off a bit in the opposite direction to each other before resuming following the Player.

    Alternatively, you could look at the Boids flocking behaviour

  • mariogamer

    Separate sprites would only be of benefit if you don't use all 4 variations in the same layout, as it would only load the sprites you need, but if you do use all 4 in the same layout then there is no difference in memory usage.

    As for multiple images in one file, I believe Construct 2 automatically puts smaller images onto a bigger one on export, so it's nothing you would really need to worry about. Just do whatever is easiest for you to import.

  • ex32

    If your game is "simply superb" as you say, you could pitch it on KickStarter, IndieGoGo or other crowd funding sites and try to raise money for a license and development that way.

    If it's a good idea, presented well and has realistic goals, then people will back it.

    [quote:1057ycpn]I am able to create the game in weeks.

    Then why haven't you?

    Use the free version of Construct 2 to make it or at least a basic version of it, then you can show people what you've got and that it's not just an idea.

    People are more likely to back something they can see.

    [quote:1057ycpn]new graphics, game mechanics and sounds and story

    Are you creating the new graphics and sounds yourself, using free stuff or buying it?

    If you're buying it then that's another expense for which you'll need to raise money.

    [quote:1057ycpn]i wont be able to put it on google store or Apple store because i dont own a personal license for construct 2

    As has been said above, if you can't afford the license then you probably can't afford the store fees either.

    There are lots of HTML5 game sites that you can monetize your game on before releasing on the stores, you still need a license though.

    Kongregate, Game Jolt and Newgrounds are just the beginning, there are dozens of sites big and small that you can release your game on. Do a search for HTML5 games sites and I'm sure you will find plenty.