OddConfection's Forum Posts

  • Sprites have a Count expression (e.g. Sprite.Count) that you can use to keep a running total of instances during runtime.

    Here's a simple example:


  • discoverthecurse

    Put " " around the text/sting value, otherwise it thinks it's a variable e.g. "play" not play

  • spades1412

    Make the score a Global variable instead of Local variable so you can access it in another event or another layout.

    Then do:

       Set text to "Game Over - Final score is " & score[/code:34b447bd]
  • smoke84

    You need to move the Set animation frame and Set value actions after the Create object action, so it will only pick that created object item, otherwise it doesn't know which specific one to set so it sets all of them.

  • Allardje

    [quote:3n9fq2tq]I can use 2 variables and both set them to random (0,8).

    Than check if one of the 2 is different and set the frame to one of them.

    That's not exactly how to do it, only one needs to be set randomly, you use the other to store the last value for comparison so you don't get a repeat.

    I posted an example capx here about randomly selecting music tracks without repeats.

    Basically I just used a System->While along with variable comparison until a non-repeat value was found, then I used the new value.

    You should be able to adapt it to your case.

    EDIT: I ended up adapting it


    It waits a random time (or in this case uses choose but random would work too) and displays the current and previous wait times, as well as the number of potential repeats that could have occurred that time around.

  • alinathomas

    You can find a tutorial on using Phonegap to build your exported game into a native app here

    It mentions that performance can be low using Phonegap, but I'm working on a simple game that works fine on a Samsung Galaxy Ace (Android 2.3) after using Phonegap Build, so I guess it depends how complex and/or optimized you have made your game.

  • Here's a simple example for you:


    It will randomly play a music track when the layout starts (or the music ends). It will also do a check so that it doesn't repeat a track.

    No music is included, but it should work if you add music with names Track1, Track2, ..., Track5.

  • kepoly

    Aside from separate layer + parallax(0,0) already mentioned, you might want to give the HUD elements the Anchor behaviour so that they maintain their position relative to the edges when scaling to device resolution.

  • Thanks for adding more free music to your site.

    I'm using one of your tracks in a small game I'm making. I'll be sure to donate if I actually make any money from it.

  • Developotato

    Why are you creating the Damage text off the layout and then immediately setting it to a random location in the same event?

    Why not just create it at the random location to begin with and just use one action instead of two?

    e.g. Create object Damage on layer 1 at (round(random(1,250)),round(random(80,300)))

    And if you follow that with Damage(Text)->Set text to Damage it should only set the text for that text object, but I'm guessing that's what you realized

  • abdool

    Consider using the Sprite Font object instead of Text, but otherwise the method Robsta described is correct.

  • imothep85

    If you do something like this:

    Sprite->Is dragging
       Sprite.X = Touch.X - Touch.X%60
       Sprite.Y = Touch.Y - Touch.Y%60[/code:26dsvroz]
    It should only allow the sprite to be dragged in 60px blocks.
    If you use Mouse instead of Touch, replace Touch.X & Touch.Y with Mouse.X & Mouse.Y
  • Naji

    Well if you read the pages linked it's described as an MMO, it's just not an MMORPG, but there is more than one type of MMO.

  • Check out Epic Space. It's an infinite space MMO created with Construct 2, although they didn't use the multiplayer plugin.

    It was one of the first Construct 2 games to get through Greenlight and is available on Steam.

    [quote:18mzf7wz]Epic Space - Early Access

    An infinite universe MMO currently in Early Access

    Steam Store - Scirra Forum

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • clock

    Your artwork is very nice but I think Remus B is right, C2 users are indie developers and a lot may be hesitant to buy potentially expensive custom art for projects that may or may not get finished.

    Have you considered making non-exclusive sprite packs for the new Scirra store? Being non-exclusive reduces the price for individual developers and potentially gains you more income per artwork.