Noga's Forum Posts

  • I have the same problem. You have to delete the .persist file.

  • I had to erase all 8 tiles and load them again to get rid of it. Still don't know what caused the problem. Anyway, now it's working normally again

    You can also clone layouts, and then rearrange things within the new ones.

    I didn't know that, good tip. Thanks

  • I have 10 layouts i.e. 10 levels. I built 1st lvl - insert new object - tiled background

    How should I make other levels? (say I wanna use same .png's)

    1. go to next lvl and repeat it? load pictures again


    2.copy tiles from 1st layout, switch to 2nd and paste?


    3.same as 2nd only paste clone?

    What would be the difference(memory or cpu usage)?

    I'm asking because, I've got this weird problem (I'm using 2nd method). The 1st lvl is made of about 20 different tiles. There are 4 tiles which are placed on 16th level in Z order, player is on top. When I've put 4 another tiles on 15th, they should be hidden behind the first ones, but only one is behind and others are on top of them. To cover them I must move those first 4 tiles to very top in Z order, but I would like to have them behind the player.

    Are tiles still somehow connected when I copy them from layout to layout. On some levels same tiles are in different Z order

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  • I've had similar problem with cursor when doing my program. Here's the link:

    Silent Cacophony and R0J0hound helped me a lot, so if you use it you should give them the credit

  • I'd need to prevent a player from pressing more than one key at the moment. Now I have it like this

    On key Up arrow pressed - do something

    [negated] Key Down arrow is down

    [negated] Key Left arrow is down

    [negated] Key Right arrow is down

    On key Up arrow pressed - do something

    [negated] Key Up arrow is down

    [negated] Key Left arrow is down



    and that means + 3 lines of code for each key. Is there a simpler way? I've tried to use

    On key Up arrow pressed - do something

    [negated] Player 1 "Down arrow, Left arrow, Right arrow" is down

    but this didn't work

  • Nice game, the graphic style is something new and refreshing. Custom keys are great as many games are controled by z and x which are switched on some euro keyboards. Is the players character throwing apples?

  • Try to add one more variable or I've never used it, but there is unique ID which you could compare

  • It's really slow on my laptop. FPS drops to 7 and less. I'll try it at home on desktop but here it's slideshow

  • I believe it'll be your 1st commercial game so I'd go for option 1, set price at around 5$ and sell more copies of finished product to more people, make wider audience and than I'd use their feedback to make "better" sequel.

    I've tried the alpha and I didn't like it. You didn't get me in the first two minutes and it could be because of the graphics, but when you release the new polished version, I'll try it again, because all those people saying "it's awesome!" can't be wrong

    Good luck with the release.

  • I haven't read it all, but it looks pretty extensive. Will you keep updating it to make it even bigger?

    It's very helpful to me, because I don't have an internet at home. Thank you

  • On runtime window. I was hoping for some hidden "enable scrollbars" check box.


  • How can I enable vertical and horizontal scroll bars on runtime window? It's probably something stupid, but I couldn't find it.

    example - ... rs/txt.cap

  • When I try to export a file into a same folder where is the .cap, I get runtime err - error loading "APPBLOCK" (1813)

    If I save it into a different folder it's ok

  • It's a money counting program. I've done it for Czech currency, but I think it should be easy to convert it to whatever you like.


    Up and Down arrows or mouse to select, numpad to input numbers, F11 to print

    Download: ... afinal.exe ... afinal.cap

    Thanks to R0J0hound and especially to Silent Cacophony for their big help

  • EditBox.SetSelection(len(EditBox.Text), len(EditBox.Text))[/code:1ktkrpco]
    This works perfectly and your EditBoxCursor too. I've had some problems with setting private variables and than calling them, but I think it's ok now.
    Now only what I have to do is put it all together. I'll try post final version next week