Oil Spillage

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  • <img src="http://dl-web.dropbox.com/u/7658043/oilscrn.jpg">


    Example of an oil spillage.

    Move the drum around with your mouse.Press the left mouse button to start spilling oil.

  • Why have you used 'light' objects for the oil?

  • Why have you used 'light' objects for the oil?

    Lol You will see in my next example which im still working on ,why i used a light object.

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  • It's really slow on my laptop. FPS drops to 7 and less. I'll try it at home on desktop but here it's slideshow

  • It's really slow on my laptop. FPS drops to 7 and less. I'll try it at home on desktop but here it's slideshow

    lol yeah the example is quite demanding.But if you can run a game like crysis for instance at 60fps then this example won't suffer so much performance wise.

  • It's really performance hard compared to lets say to Quaziballs? or whatever they we're

  • ... lets say to Quaziballs? or whatever they we're

    I think the correct name is Quaziblobs? and my blob-shader is based on them (an example of the effect is also flying around here somewhere)

  • It's really performance hard compared to lets say to Quaziballs? or whatever they we're

    I know ,Quaziblobs uses smaller textures.But the slowest fps i got on my pc was 15fps with this example and that's on my old 1.6Ghz dual core wth 2 gb ram.9600 geforce 1gb gfx card.

    My other pc runs it at a constant 60 fps.

    [quote:36hftrgh]I think the correct name is Quaziblobs? and my blob-shader is based on them (an example of the effect is also flying around here somewhere)

    i created a blob shader a while ago and it's easier than creating it like this example.Now if i could find that shader...lol.I really need to sort out this mess on my pc lol

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