Noga's Forum Posts

  • Thanks again. I'm at work now, but I'll try it later. I've tried R0J0hound's cut/paste trick, but as you say I could see flashing (maybe I was doing it wrong), so I can't wait to try the other method

  • Thank you Silent Cacophony and R0J0hound for your help. I've used bit of both. Here's what I've got so far ... ncovka.cap ... ncovka.exe

    It works but I still have some problems

    How can I make objects use variables, so I can make use of FOR




    FOR "" 1 to 12


    Look into the .cap, is there a way how to make it better optimized? I have On Click On Object for every 12 objects. Can I use just one event for all?

    When I input, say 25 into a box and than I click on that box again, the bleeping cursor in the EditBox stays at the beginning and adds numbers before 25 and not after.

    How can I add that bleeping cursor into a box so it will not look that empty

    Sorry for all those questions. I've wanted to use numbers for object names like 100 instead of onehundred but I got errors. And finally when I save the .cap on my home PC I can't open it on my work laptop even it's same version. I think, that I only have one plugin installed on home comp but it's not included in the .cap

    note - currency is in CZK

  • I'm making a simple money counting program. Something like..

    1c x 0

    5c x 0

    10c x 0



    100$ x 0

    sum = 0

    Where user would click on 0 and enter the number of coins or bills. I'm using EditBox with initial value 0, but I would need bigger font size. I can't find it in the EditBox only in the Text object.

  • the link is broken

  • vanja you're a talent. Was it all done by mouse or tablet?

  • Would be great to add some savepoints. I couldn't get past 2nd lvl (because the difficulty scidave mentioned). It reminds me a never finished game I was doing 10yrs ago in qbasic, coincidently I finished only second level.

    otherwise good game, waiting for new version

  • AND there isn't Job Offers forum here so there's not really another place to post.

    I think it would be great to have that forum here.

  • I have exactly same problem as deadeye. Also I wanted to skip talking (in the computer room) and I pressed z and the talking dialog vanished, but along with the character. It happend just once, so maybe nothing serious..

    Anyway, I like the game (pity the bug), it's easy enough for me , but it could be more faster. When a guard identifies me, he slows down instead of speeds up.

  • Thank you for your tutorials. I'm currently at part 3 and they've helped me a lot, good work

    <img src="">

  • great game

    For next release, could you please include

    victorious slapping = winner slaps looser (alternatively ass-kicking)

    thank you

  • Best time 109.92

    You could put some window in a corner of the screen with number of laps, current lap time, best lap time, speed, damage level etc.

    Maybe, it could be better if you crash the car, it would just bounce of the side barrier, because now when I crash, I got stuck inside of the side and I have to reverse and that's little bit annoying.

    Third time I ran the game I got white screen like guys above, but then I tried it maybe 10x and everything worked fine, weird

  • The link doesn't work for me, can't download it. Could you please upload it somewhere else

  • About the levels: I want to make a larger level instead of several small ones. This was supposed to be a arcade game where you play in order to improve your high score. But I'm also considering adding levels and some background story.

    I think that if you add more levels+story it would be much better than just trying to beat the score (much more work also ). I've tried play the game twice and than nothing pushes me to play more (beating score isn't enough).

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  • I haven't (and most of my friends) seen the movie. Since the premiere on 17th of December, it's been sold out in all cinemas close to my home and until yesterday even 2D version!!! WTF? There are always few seats left, but who wants to sit by toilets. I hope it won't disappoint me because I'm overhyped right now