1. It seems that you can leave level 1 by exiting the same vent you came in as well as the one you have to cut open.
Didn't know that's possible, will look into it.
2. Sometimes I get shot once even though I'm hidden, but every shot after that passes right by me.
I think collision is only on Ninjas main body and enemies aiming to the centre of bone movment box... Will look into it :
3. When I died on level 3 there were two text messages laid on top of each other telling me I could press R to restart. I died a second time, and then there were no text messages at all, just a blank black screen (but pressing R still worked).
Have no idea why it's happening that way. Hope I'll be able to fix this.
4. When I ran past the arrow to go to Basement 5 or whatever it's called, a radio cut-scene played, but it was the same "Frank, I'm in a computer room" cutscene as the first level. Also, I could still move the player during the cutscene (at least I think so... when I pressed Z I could still hear the sword swinging, and it didn't skip the cutscene).
The last cut-scene is just a place holder for now. Haven't record it yet, hopefully will do it in next two weeks. And ye, you can move the player, for some reason I can't disable platform movement, this function just doesn't work for some reason.
Thank very much for your feedback and help.