Ninjadoodle's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, I'm really confused - I can literally load and close the game 5x in a row and get different results.

    1. Game stuck at 0%

    2. Ads load / game perfectly smooth

    3. Ads don't load / game perfectly smooth

    4. Ads load / game very jerky

    5. Ads don't load / game very jerky

    This is is all in a space of a few minutes, with no other apps open.

    I'm using no external plugins, only official Construct 3 stuff.

    P.S. HTML5 version and Web Apps work like a dream on devices and desktop.

  • Kyatric

    Using r136 Stable - the problem with filing a bug report is that it ask me to provide a stripped down version that reproduces the problem.

    I can't really do that as I the issue might not happen with an empty project.

    I don't know what is causing this, so I really have no idea what to take out :)

    Maybe Ashley has some thoughts on how to bug report this, and what would be accepted.

  • Hi Kyatric

    Thank you for your pointers :) I've set everything up as you've suggested and have the dev tools open with the console showing, debugging the 'debug' version of my game on Android.

    Basically, now and then (about a third of the time) the game gets stuck on 0%, and nothing happens. The console shows nothing to do with this - only made with construct info, and webgl info.

    If I close the game and reload it, then most of the time it works. Sometimes it loads on the first go, sometimes it doesn't. The game is very small - around 5mb.

    Any ideas?

  • Hi Kyatric

    Thank you for the links

    I've setup the usb debugging on the phone and it works with the web app / browser versions (which are running perfectly fine btw).

    Will the debug only work with a Debug APK? What if the final signed version acts differently - any way I can look at that?

    Thank you for the help again!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi guys

    I'm trying to learn how to export a game to Android.

    About 75% of the time the game works fine and perfectly smooth.

    Sometimes the game gets very jittery for an unknown reason, while other times it's perfectly smooth (with more sprites etc. on screen).

    Sometime the game doesn't load at all and stays at 0%.

    Trying some banner ads too which sometimes work, but about half the time nothing displays.

    Not really sure how to debug tho stuff in a way that will give me answers or solutions. Any ideas would be awesome... Thank you!!!

  • RJP3 Thank you :)

  • Hi guys :)

    Computer issues and one sleepless night aside, #7daygame number five is done :)


    Have fun matching the cats, but keep an eye on the ferris wheels battery! This is a bit of a multitasking one lol.

    Don't forget to post you best runs :)

  • Hi guys :)

    The latest prototype is here! In this episode, we learn how to make a wavy animated flightpath with Alen Alien :)





    PS. thought that Alen looked lonely, so he kindly hooked him up with a girlfriend! Check her out, she's awesome and just Alens type :)

  • AllanR - Thank you - all feedback is good! Its funny how subjective games are tho, I have people that didn't like playing Cursed Jewels and like Heli Deli, and vice versa :)

    I'm loving making these and experimenting with my ideas / mechanics.

    I've managed to figure out the sound issue, so I will update the games very soon. I keep forgetting to toggle a setting for the instructions to stay on lol.

    I'll make sure to include all the fixes in my new one, and fix the previous games. Thank you you for pointing the bugs out, it really helps!

  • Hi Danozbag

    Welcome :) You'll have fun using Construct 3, it's an amazing tool!

  • Jimbojib - Construct 3 is amazing and you can make anything with it...

    Games, comics, interactive fiction, presentations and so on.

    IMO Construct 3 is the fastest way to make a 2d game full stop, and it's an amazing engine without considering whether it's html5 or native.

    HTML5 is constantly improving and speed differences for 2d games are pretty much redundant at this point. I can send the game to anyone as a simple link or a social post, and they can then be playing it within 10-20 seconds, just by clicking that link. No installs, no going through App or Play stores or anything else. The game works on PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android etc. without any extra work - in my opinion, this is a dream come true!

    I feel like people are putting too much faith in apps in general. Everyone seems to be releasing stuff all the time and getting lost in the avalanche! There are many other avenues people could be exploring in order to monetise their games. I know of several devs making a very good living by making small HTML5 games.

    I personally know of a dev who makes HTML5 games for a living and tried venturing into apps. After giving it a go, he decided it was not for him, as the constant updates he had to make to his games every time a store made any sort of change, was becoming full time work (all with little payoff).

    Just wanted to share my thoughts, but I understand everyone has different end goals. For me its HTML5 games with Construct 3 :)

  • I'm sorry, but I really feel like that is a very misleading blog post from Cocoon.

    In my opinion (and just my opinion), Cocoon is not gone because HTML5 is not strong, but because it's getting easier and easier to use other tools to export HTML5 and get good fps doing it.

    Naturally, computers / devices are getting faster and faster and the speed between native and HTML5 for 2d games is blending.

    I genuinely feel that there is really no need for Cocoon because of this and therefore no one really wanted to buy the service (to remove the Cocoon logo etc.), and it stopped being a viable business idea.

  • Hi guys :)

    #7daygame number four is done and dusted!


    + the retrospect video...

    Have fun and post your best runs :)

  • Hi guys :)

    The latest prototype is here! Buster is a very heavy bowling ball, and Billy is a disappearing block, who does't like being poked. Together they will show you a bit about the tween behaviour and screen shake.





  • Hi BadMario

    Thank you for the links and the tips!

    I've played both of the games and they are very cool, I especially love runback - what a cool idea :)

    I'm gonna figure something out for my leaderboards - would be very cool to have them built into my site somehow, so I'll see what I can come up with.