Ninjadoodle's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys

    I've been making flash games for a while and I'm looking for a good tool which I can use for getting my stuff onto devices.

    I've played with Construct 2 before and I really like it. I'm however wondering, whether it's suitable for my needs.

    I've read the "supporting multiple resolutions" article and understand it.

    What I'm wondering about is ...

    • Will designing a game at 1920x1080 work well enough when it's "Scaled" down to lower end devices (for example iPhone 4s - 960?640).
    • Do the low end devices still have to load the Full HD content or do the game graphics get re-sampled before "loading" to ensure the lower end devices can handle it. (I understand that normally you would use different graphics sets - 1x 2x 3x etc.)
    • What is the state of mobile publishing? Is the performance acceptable? (in comparison to other game making programs)
    • I know Construct 2 uses wrappers to get apps made. Do these cause any major problems?

    Thank you heaps in advance <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thank you for the info! Yup, I'm gonna be hosting them on the same domain. I didn't think you could load another games save, but what you are saying makes sense ... since its web storage, it shouldn't mater what is loading it. I will try this and see if it works :)

  • Hi guys

    Is there a way one game can load another games saved data?

    For example you play "game 1" and it asks you to go play "game 2" and perform an action ... "game 1" will only proceed when the action in "game 2" has been completed?

    The other way would be for one game to change a variable inside another game.

    Hopefully this make sense

    Thank you in advance!

  • I make flash games and that's why i'm in this mindset. If you make a good flash game, then next thing its all over the internet. This is a good thing for exposure but in this case I want to get people to come to my site instead of getting the content elsewhere.

    I guess copying html 5 games is a little bit more complicated then taking a single swf file.

    The only thing im worried about is the filesize. After a few months of adding daily levels, the file will get very big to upload everyday.

  • Thanks for your reply :)

    The reason I need to use separate games is because I would be producing a new level each day and only want to upload that particular content and the menu it self.

    So, every day I would update the menu to show more icons, and upload the new "game/level".

    The second reason I would like to use multiple files, is to stop people from taking the game as a whole, from my site.

    Since html 5 is easily copyable, I though this would be a good way to do it as the level files would each be named randomly and no one would bother to hunt down all the files ... or at least it would make it harder for them.

    I'm not set on this solution, but I don't really have any other ideas on how to make sure the game doesn't get taken from my site.

    If anyone has any other ideas, that would be awesome :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi Guys

    I have absolutely no experience with this and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction.

    Basically I'm looking at making a puzzle game with each level being a "separate game/file".

    To reach those levels you would click on little level icons from a separate "menu level".

    Now, what I'm wondering is whether there is a way, the separate html level files can talk to the menu file and let it know if they have been completed or not?

    Hope I explained it well enough :)

    Thank you in advance!