Ninjadoodle's Forum Posts

  • Hi Aphrodite

    I'm using Release 169

    Everything works fine in the browser and the problem only occurs when packaged to APK using Cocoon JS.

  • Hi Silverforce

    Nope, no sizing through code. Some sprites are fine and others are half size

    Must be a bug in the exporter, as it works fine through the Cocoon launcher.

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  • Hi Guys

    Just wondering if anyone experienced this before. When I build an APK using the Cocoon Js online service, some of my sprites display at half their original size. I have no idea what to do about this or what could be causing it.

    Thank you in advance for any help

  • Fun game and I love your graphics!

    Also, it works well for me on my Macbook Pro and Chrome

  • Hi iceangel

    Thank for the reply! I just noticed that the game has been featured on Jayisgames ...

    I'm happy people are enjoying it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Thanks again!

  • Hi guys

    Just wanted to share my first C2 creation with you …

    The game is called Shurizzle and you can play it here …

    Please let me know what you think <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • I started using your numbering technique and the "Level"&LVL to goto the next level and it definitely makes things much easier.

    Thank you again for your help

  • Thank very much for the help

    I was hoping there was a more automated way of handling this.

    When I create levels, I often shuffle their order around if the difficulty doesn't feel right where it is etc.

    This means that every time I "shuffle", I have to change the "goto layout" events in each of the levels to reflect the new order (as well as the level names).

    Any ideas on how to achieve this, without having to change the code every time?

    Thank again!

  • Hi Guys

    Just wondering if there is a way to go to the next layout in line instead of specifically putting down its name?

    Thank you in advance!

  • Solved it

    You just use "Pick top instance".


  • Hi Guys

    Is there a way to have lets say 10 cards stacked on top of each other and having only the topmost card respond to a touch?

    Right now all the cards respond.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you in advance!

  • It's Safari on the Mac, but I'm not just testing. I've actually published a small game to my server.

    the sound works perfectly in Chrome and also works while testing through wifi (in Safari).

    The only time I have trouble, is when running a published html game on Safari - Mac.

    I think it must have something to do with caching, as the sounds works fine tbe first time, but stops working on page reload.

    any ideas?

  • Hi Guys

    Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on this, I'd love to get to the bottom of it

    Thank you in advance!

  • Bump

  • Hi Guys

    I've been testing a game on my server and noticed, that when I play it in Safari for the first time, everything works fine, but after reloading, the sound no longer plays. My test game only has one small sound file (its a click sound).

    Has anybody experienced this? I'm wondering if I might be doing something wrong.

    Thank you in advance!