Ninjadoodle's Forum Posts

  • AllanR Wow, that's impressive! You guys must be from another planet lol.

    Also, that's really good feedback. I agree 100%, that this would be a nice addition. I'm gonna think of a nice/simple way of presenting it, and implement it in this weeks game, then if it works well - update the older ones.

    Again, I really appreciate the feedback :)

  • Hi AllanR

    Thanks heaps for the feedback and for spotting the bug :) I'll make sure its fixed soon!

    P.S. That's a really good score, and funnily enough my highest (and I made it lol). Guess what tho, one of my gamedev friends scored over 120 (I don't think he's human btw) - makes me think I need to make some adjustments at the higher difficulty haha.

  • Mikal - Thank you for the feedback! I'm happy you like the game :)

    As I go through this challenge, I'd like to make the games quiet varied in both mechanics and gameplay. It will be interesting to see what choose to make in the upcoming weeks. One thing I've noticed already, is that I'm learning a ton - not only about Construct 3 (which is a absolutely amazing), but about working smarter in general.

  • BadMario - Mochiads were cool while they lasted :) Thanks for the info, I will have better look into it, as I'd definitely love to add some score / achievements etc.

    PS. Where can I find your games... I checked your profile, but no links :(

  • #7daygame number three is done!

    You can play 'Cursed Jewels' here...

    Here is the retrospect video...

    From a technical aspect, and what I've learned this week, I'm the happiest with this one out of the three so far. I'm also very happy with the level layout I ended up going with, and feel like it plays and flows well. The one reservation I have, is that it might be too difficult for anyone who isn't used to skill games. I will let you guys judge :) My best score (under pressure) was 12 jewels, while Charlie (my wife) got 4. Have fun and post your best runs :)

  • Mikal - Thanks for the link, I will have a really good look into it :) It sounds like this might be a good solution!

    BadMario - Thanks for the reply! I'm not actually sure I want to release my game as Apps at all. I'd like them to be playable on my website, with leader-boards implemented. As far as I know, Google Play Leader-boards only work on Android. I could be wrong tho?

  • Under CONSTRUCTion time :)

    Let me introduce you to Helga Heli, a tiny helicopter with a German seal of quality. If you guys want to learn a little about the Pin Behaviour in Construct 3, Helga will help you out :)

    Watch the tutorial...

    See Helga Heli in action...

    Download the project file (saved with CONSTRUCT 3 R131)...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi Mikal

    Thanks heaps for the feedback! Love the ideas - I was thinking of possibly doing something similar when I finish :) Who know yet what shape it will take, but I'm excited and enjoying the journey/challenge.

    The scores thing is a really great idea, and something I've really been wanting to implement.

    Sadly, I wouldn't know the first thing about setting up a high-scores framework (and currently don't have any spare time to learn), but I've been looking at one that a Gamedev friend created.

    If I can't get it to work with Construct 3, I might hire somebody to make me a plugin in the near future.

    Thanks again :)

  • Hi

    Thank you for subscribing and for the awesome reply! I'm really happy to be helping to inspire you, to do something similar. I would love to see your games :)

    I know from experience how hard it is to finish stuff when you get yourself stuck in that whole questioning and over thinking loop.

    This whole game making thing will always have its frustrations (bugs etc.), but all in all it should be a fun, playful thing.

    I feel like the 12 year old us, would never question half the stuff we do as adults. Let's have fun with this and get stuff out there :)

  • Gillis - Thank you :) Construct 3 is an awesome engine and I LOVE the regular updates.

  • Hi guys

    My #7daygame for week 2 is done! Have fun avoiding lasers, while lighting up tiles, in Laser Trap...

  • Hi guys

    I've just posted a video on my YouTube channel, describing how to make fade transitions in Construct 3.





  • Construct 3 is amazing and you can make anything you want in 2d. In my opinion the line between native and Html5 are getting very blurry and I would personally choose Html5 and cross platform first.

    No disrespect to Unity, but I've played with it and I question the use of it for 2d. Things take literally 10x longer to produce.

    My 2 cets are - I only have one life and and want to spend time making more content/games, not wasting time with cumbersome UI etc.

    Hoep this helps :)

  • Hi

    Thank you! That's really good feedback, I'll definitely make those changes:)

  • Hi - Thanks! Did the instruction popup for you? They show what each symbol means and how it relates to which bunny to tap. I'll see what the feedback is, and might make some changes to the hints :)